reunion pictures

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Martha Johnson of Martha and the Muffins

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The Spoons were first to take the stage
Sandy Horne of The Spoons
Gordon Deppe of The Spoons
Gordon Deppe of The Spoons
The Pukka Orchestra. The Pukkas worked as the backup band all night!
Tony Duggan-Smith of The Pukka Orchestra
Neil Chapman of The Pukka Orchestra
Neil Chapman of The Pukka Orchestra
Martha and the Muffins
Mark Gane and Martha Johnson - Martha and the Muffins
Mark Gane of Martha and the Muffins
Martha Johnson of Martha and the Muffins
Sandy Horne and Lorraine Segato back up Martha and the Muffins
Sandy Horne and Lorraine Segato back up Martha and the Muffins
Leon Stevenson of The Extras
Chris Tait of Chalk Circle
Chris Tait of Chalk Circle
Tony Malone of Drastic Measures, singing an acapella Teddy Bear's Picnic
Dale Martindale of Images In Vogue
Dale Martindale of Images In Vogue
Dale Martindale of Images In Vogue
Nash the Slash
Nash the Slash
Lorraine Segato of The Parachute Club
Lorraine Segato of The Parachute Club
Everyone joins in singing Rise Up
Mark Gane and Don Berns sing in the Rise Up jam
Kevin Staples and Carole Pope of Rough Trade
Carole Pope of Rough Trade
Carole Pope of Rough Trade
Carole Pope of Rough Trade
Fred Patterson idolizes Carole Pope
The 102.1 Band
The 102.1 Band
Lindsay Gillespie and Ivar on backup with The 102.1 Band
Jim Bird sings "Working on the Radio"

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