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The new forum

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:10 am
by ralph
Well, I read the couple 'great news' messages when the change to this new format for the bbs was announced.

Don't get me wrong, I bet there was a huge amount of work involved and I truly appreciate the effort Scott puts into this site - I am a regular visitor. However, does anyone else notice that having to register has reduced the contributions here to barely anything?

As with everyone else, I don't miss the mindless name calling, etc. that was part of the many 'anon' posts, but it seems the baby may have been thrown out with that bathwater, as the many other positive conversations have also for the most part stopped.

Hopefully, with some more time, more people will register (it took me what - about 2 months to sign up) and the conversations will start up again.


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:04 pm
by feetpowderNY
Is there a way to post pictures?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:23 pm
by admin
feetpowderNY wrote:Is there a way to post pictures?
Yup. In the message editor, click the "Img" button, and stick the URL of the picture in between the [ img ] tags:
