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Mystery Song
Posted: Thu May 17, 2001 10:07 am
by ralph
Here's one I haven't been able to identify for years. For a long time I thought it was by the Stranglers, but now know it isn't, anyways, here's some lyrics:
She's my only girl, the only girl
She's my little girl,
Stalking 'til the break of light
She's my only girl, the only girl
She comes to visit
And take me back with her
Well she'll bite and scratch
Or purr all night long
She's been living on her 9 lives
She's been living on her 9 lives
Here... in the human zoo
Anyone have any info on this one? I eventually came across this on a tape made from CFNY, I'm guessing from 83 or 84, at the end the announcer says 'those are the...' and is cut off!
I'd love to get this on CD and hear more from the band!
Mystery Song
Posted: Sat May 19, 2001 2:20 am
by Scott MacLean
This one's FAR too easy! It's Catwalker, by the Diodes.
Mystery Song
Posted: Tue May 22, 2001 3:04 pm
by ralph
But Catwalker does not seem to be a track on the CD in the attached link. Any info on where this track is available (on CD or vinyl?)
Mystery Song
Posted: Sat May 26, 2001 6:02 pm
by Scott MacLean
I asked the guy in charge of the new CD release at Bullseye Records, and this is his answer:
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 16:44:26 -0400
From: Jaimie Vernon
Organization: Bullseye Records of Canada Inc.
Subject: Diodes
Yes, we are still releasing the Diodes CD...we are waiting on the
transfer of a tape containing a very rare track by the band's Paul
Robinson. Once that's in hand, we can complete the artwork and get on
with the release.
Jaimie Vernon,
President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc.
(416) 482-3290
Mystery Song
Posted: Tue May 29, 2001 4:53 pm
by Scott MacLean
An update on the Diodes release:
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 23:43:00 -0400
From: Jaimie Vernon
Organization: Bullseye Records of Canada Inc.
Subject: Diodes CD
Action/Reaction has been pushed back to the Fall as we're still working on the packaging and tape clean-up -- the recent discovery of a previously unknown tape has also added some material we didn't have access to last year.
Hang tight, we'll let you know.
Jaimie Vernon,
President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc.
(416) 482-3290
Mystery Song
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2001 8:16 pm
by brew
I've been trying to find a song that used to be played on CFNY back in the late 80s/early 90s... I had a copy on tape as late as 91 taped from air- the song is a collage of JFK assassination broadcasts: Walter Cronkite and the like. I have no idea who did it, but I need a copy to relive the old days. Also, how about an mp3 of the Shep saying "So whaddya wanna hear baby?" that used to be part of the intro for the All-request nooner?
I lived in Buffalo from 84-97 and listened to CFNY almost exclusively for many of those years, but the 89-92 years are my personal soundtrack.
Any help is appreciated
Mystery Song
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 5:17 pm
by Anonymous
"The Motorcade Sped On" by Steinski and Mass Media
is the song. It was available on a DJ Remix Service out of the U.S. called Disconet. I don't know whether it was commercially available. There was an issue with using the broadcasts in the song without permission, that may have prevented this from being widely available. It will be difficult to find.
Mystery Song
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 5:24 pm
by Scott MacLean
Hmm. I think I might actually have the 12" single of that song. I'll check my MP3 of the week site at - if I do have it, I'll post it there.
Mystery Song
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 5:31 pm
by M. Yamamoto
The song "TOAST" is in my collection I can make a copy for anyone interested and other songs that are quite rare as well... My E-Mail:
[email protected]
I hope hear from ya soon!!!!!
Mystery Song
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2002 2:02 am
by f.suderma
Hope you can help,
I'm looking for the group/title of a song that was played in the late 80's that went "tick tick tock" with an alarm clock ring. I haven't heard the song in at least 10 years so I can't remember much more
Mystery Song
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 5:19 pm
by Anonymous
I'm looking for the song "My Old Man's a Waste" by Knobby Klegg and the Civilians (not sure on the spelling). This would have played around 1980 or so. I think they also did a song called "Dying with Flies on My Face".
Mystery Song
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 11:24 am
by CrashNBurn
I believe you are speaking of a Ministry sideproject called PTP
the song is Rubber glove seduction
Not sure how hard it is to find the single these days, but it was on the WAXTRAX
3 CD Set (the First 13 years)
Mystery Song
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2002 3:46 am
by fsuderma
Thanks for the info....that was the song.
It's been a long time since I heard alot of those old songs.
I'm not that thrilled with cfny's new formats lately
Thankx again
Mystery Song
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2002 12:21 pm
by Beale
"Tick Tick Tock" is called "Rubber Glove Seduction", and it's by PTP, who were a RevCo spin-off band. I believe it was available as a single and on the WaxTrax anniversary CD set. I also believe I have seen it on
Mystery Song
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 7:22 pm
by James Scott
Isn't this a great site!
Just wanted to pop in with a quick hello to all CFNY listeners who enjoyed the station through the late 70's and all through the 80's.
I had the pleasure of speaking with you personally
on the phones, at high school Road Shows, at the X and pretty well everywhere our signal was heard, broadcasting from the little yellow house to the top of the CN Tower.
Hey, remember "Zippers of Fire" by The Government?
What a great track.
Anyway, best wishes. So long for now.