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Bizare tracks
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:10 am
by SMoKaLoTaPoT

NY was the only station other than CBC's brave new waves playin strange or odd tracks Here is some of my favorites(add yours to the list)........Tones on Tail - go........Stump - charlton heston..Phil Ochs - small circle of friends.......Workforce - plumber......999 - Homicide.....New Muzik - World of Water.....The Government - Flat Tire...Bundock - American Singer....Captian Sensible - Happy Talk.......Corky & the Juice Pigs - Only Gay Eskimo....Dave Edmunds - Crawling from the Wreckage.....Davinci's notebook - Enormous ****........Dead Milkmen - (most of their stuff)..Fabulous Poodles - Bionic Man........Fools Psycho Chicken......Iver Biggun - The Cockeral song & Bra Size 45....La Tour - People are Still having Sex...Meryn Cadell - Barbie..........OIngo Boingo - Private Life.....
does anyone have this song?
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:24 pm
by harleytexas
Workforce - plumber
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:10 am
by johninkits
michelle jordana-cn tower.... thestranglers-walking on the beaches and of course the normal-warm leatherette
Oh Yeah I got \"Plumber\" by workforce 160 brt
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:24 am
by SMoKaLoTaPoT
Hi, if ya want any of these tracks ....leave yer e-mail address.......below.I'll ship it off to you

.........(to above) The Stranglers - Peaches............ is the tracks name.....Thats what i Preach /Preacher man...........

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:08 pm
by audiofool
johninkits wrote:michelle jordana-cn tower.... thestranglers-walking on the beaches and of course the normal-warm leatherette
Actually I believe that was Michaele Jordana and the Poles.