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WANTED - Apple Strudel Man on mp3

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:06 am
by barry
I'm desperately looking for a good quality vinyl rip of the Jolly Tambourine Man's \"Apple Strudel Man\". I already have Blibber and the Rat Crushers' version of the song, but it was the JTM version that scarred me for life as a wee lad, watching the video on The New Music.

I'm putting together a mix of weird, obscure Canadian tunes and I need that song! I've tried all the p2p networks (soulseek etc.) and NOBODY has it! :(

You guys are my last hope. I have a few songs I could trade for it (The Pumps \"Bust The TV\", Stiletto Fetish \"I Think I Love You\" etc).

Please help!
