Pete & Geets
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:49 am
PETE & GEETS The best morning show toronto ever had..listened to them when they did the \"Romo Report\" on the other station........still listen to 104.5........way better than that faggy lobster boy stuff on the Q..........unfortunatly TO radio has gotten too comercially crappy to bother to listen to (4 me anyway).......MTV-Much..gee tell us what we for me is just that , a plastic/fake INXS talent less search........just like non-acholic beer & smokin incence........NO MORE HEROES!............I'm greatfull to MP3 download programs...limewire & the likes..........freedom of long as I use the songs for my personal listening pleasure and don't try to make a buck off of it...NO HARM DONE.......we all taped songs at one point in our lives....downloading is just a modern version of that...?..Peter had the quickest wit and always had a line for anything & geets with \"Blinky Police car\" \"monkey on stick\".Beans & myra rontach....well we all get older and things definatly change.not nessisarily for the better........or our tastes in what we like........but, exellent memories are all that we can have..........[/b]