history of this site

This site was first created in 1998 as a small collection of articles and pictures, created by Wes Reimer. Wes was not able to keep the site hosted as it was, so in fall of November 2000, Scott MacLean took over the content of the site. Scott redesigned the site, added audio content, and started growing it. Since then Scott has added many features, including testimonials, song ID's, a forum, and a huge amount of archived audio and pictures. The site is truly a labour of love for Scott, and he is gratified by the outpouring of emotion and memories it generates. Most of all he was thrilled to play a part in the creation of the 2003 Spirit Reunion.

Scott is a former professional club DJ who, like many of the people visiting this site, discovered CFNY in the very early 1980's. Inspired by the diverse and unique music being played on CFNY, he and a partner started a small DJ business concentrating on alternative music. The business quickly grew beyond their wildest expectations. After two years, Scott's partner went on to live music production while Scott moved into the Toronto clubs. While working at some of the larger dance clubs in Toronto, Scott also managed a short stint as an overnight board-op at his beloved CFNY.

Now working as an independent consultant in the IT industry, Scott keeps his ties with music, remixing tracks for various artists including Heaven 17, and assisting in the release of the long-lost Scary Thieves album. He has won rave reviews for his recently remixed version of XRV for Denver synthpop outfit The Dignity of Labour.

Scott with Lorraine Segato of the Parachute Club

Scott with Lorraine Segato of the Parachute Club

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