unknown song comments

Date Added: 12/8/2002
Added By: Dan
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From Dan, 12/8/2002 5:42:56 PM:

I recorded this song around 1986. The lyrics fit nicely with the movie "The Fly" which was out around the same time, but I believe they are unrelated.

From Paul Miceli, 12/8/2002 6:52:18 PM:

This song id by "Don Dixon" and is called
"Praying Mantis"


From Dan, 12/14/2002 7:17:10 PM:

Thanks Paul. It's amazing I'd never heard of him before given his career!

From jimi45, 4/3/2003 1:59:28 PM:

yes, don dixon's solo career hasn't produced much excitement, but he was a member of a popular local alt-rock band here (raleigh-durham, nc), and was also involved with early r.e.m. production. like mitch easter, he's relatively unknown outside our state, but many in nc's alternative know him well and look to his production skill when they want a first-rate indie producer. don is married to singer-songwriter marti jones. learn more about don here: http://www.harrysimmons.com/dixon.html

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