Unfortunately I have this song only in my head. In A minor, french pop song singed from a man; the first part ist one sentence plus "c'est L'amour", two times. The central part says "c'est l'amour, c'est l'amour, mour, mour": (__=long) "c'e__st l'a__ mou__r, c'e__st l'a__mour,mour,mour"... Thanks!
From DJ Wave, 3/5/2006 9:52:43 PM:
L'amour Toujours - Telex ??
From Troy, 3/13/2006 3:52:11 PM:
I'm almost certain its
L�opold Nord & Vous - C'est l'amour
From Xime, 3/17/2006 9:04:33 AM:
OT: I'm trying to contact my friend Nora Tagle. Maybe is the same person who post a comment on this page. If so, please Nora send me an email to xlabarca[arroba]uc.cl I'll be glad to know about you.-
Admin note: I'm tired of moderating the continuous spam being posted here. Deleting 10-20 offensive, pornographic or otherwise unrelated comments every day is not what I am here for. Because you guys can't police yourselves and behave, for now I've disabled the commenting functionality altogether. We'll see if we can come up with a better system in future.