Im looking for this song from the 80's, new wave type, poppish, the band sound's like THE TWO MINDS CRACK with male vocals. The chorus goes like this..."24 hours, 24 hours, 24 hours seems so far away". Please help, thanks.
Benjie Los Angeles, CA U.S.A.
From Ralph, 6/19/2006 1:25:51 PM:
Doesn't sound like an exact match, but I'll throw it out there anyways:
Cabaret Voltaire did a song called 24-24 with a chorus that went something like this:
24, 24, 24 hours a day
I wouldn't call it poppish and I've never heard of the two minds crack, but there it is.
The Cab track is on their album, The Crackdown.
Later, Ralph
From The Boy Wonder, 6/19/2006 5:00:55 PM:
Hello, I have Cabaret Voltaire in my collection, let me double check but I have a feeling that's not the right track im looking for. Thanks for your input anyway. Cheers. Benjie :)
From Brazilian boy, 6/26/2006 11:52:24 PM:
Hey, Benjie!
I exactly know what music is that! I was singing it now and has found your message on google. But... as you, I don't remember who's the singer. It can be Information Society or Kon Kan. If I get it I publish it to you. C ya,
From Scorpio, 9/15/2006 4:49:46 PM:
I'm almost positive the song is "24 Hours" by Duncan Faure from the Madonna movie soundtrack "Who's That Girl" circa 1987
From The Boy Wonder, 9/16/2006 12:18:25 AM:
scorpio, you're the man! thanks a lot for your help.
From Scorpio, 9/19/2006 6:29:06 PM:
Glad to help out Boy Wonder
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