unknown song comments

Date Added: 1/6/2003
Added By: Andre
Identified: Yes!   

From Andre, 1/6/2003 5:11:12 AM:

Shep used to play it - I believe it was called 'Jane Stop this Crazy Thing' and I was told it was by TeeVeeTunes - it was a catchy tune with all sorts of 60's tv show samples (including jetsons of course) does anyone know where one could aquire this song - i've been searching for a long time - if anyone can help me out I would be most happy.

From Paul Miceli, 1/6/2003 5:23:03 AM:

This is by ColdCut and the song is called"Stop This Crazy Thing"

From Paul Miceli, 1/6/2003 5:37:26 AM:

I have the Teevee Toons cds.They are cds with Classic tv shows and Commercials.I think the song you are looking for is the

"Coldcut-Stop This Crazy Thing"


From Dave Myrvold, 1/6/2003 9:09:14 AM:

I have the 12" single which was released here in Canada on A&M Records in 1986. The song is called "Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing!" and it wasn't by any artist in particular. It simply states - The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix (Late Night Dance Mix) and was mixed from the album "Televisions Greatest Hits" - 65 TV themes from the 50's & 60's.

From Andre, 1/7/2003 1:55:08 AM:

WOW - What a fantastic crew we've got here! Thank you ever so much for your help and the additional info! I am indeed ever so happy :-)

Is 12 minutes a record for a possitive ID of a song - (did a quick sampling of other responses and found another by Paul in 12 minutes). Totally impressed!


From Andre, 1/7/2003 2:27:25 AM:

Armed with the info provided I found the ColdCut-Stop this crazy thing... Not quite it - but it may just be some mix. But the info provided by Dave and Google gave me these two references:
Which look to be just about right - now if only I could find the song - either for sale or download... *sigh* - I'm sure it will be found and one day I will hear the song again :-)

Thanks again for all your help.

From Paul Miceli, 1/7/2003 2:29:51 AM:

Hi Andre,

I think Dave is correct.The song you are looking for is -- The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix (Late Night Dance Mix).


From Paul Miceli, 1/7/2003 2:34:59 AM:

Hi Andre,

Gemm has the 12".


From Brian Bloom, 3/8/2003 5:44:18 AM:

What scares me is that I actually have this 12" as well. If you're dying to get a copy, I might be able to part with mine...

[email protected] (temporary address that will disappear in a month or so, so act quick ;)

From Ron, 2/21/2008 10:44:06 PM:

Back in the 80's in N.Y WLIR used to play a song rarley but they played it enough for me to remember..it sounded like a Jetsons toon.. RIGHT NOW(right now) dat dat dadadada, (Trumpet) similar to they way outs on the jetsons..lol PLEASE HELP ME !!!! Im loosing my mind!!! [email protected]

From DJ, 1/22/2023 2:15:07 PM:


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