Recorded it 82-84 from a german radio station. Looking for singer since then :-)
From Jugge, 3/21/2007 8:27:39 PM:
sounds how "Statues in Motion" oder "Metro Decay"
From bluuue, 3/22/2007 7:38:43 AM:
hey jugge, you're talking bout greek bands, right? i can't find any useful information bout them and no songs to listen to. can you help me out with further information? tia!
From Jugge, 4/13/2007 7:02:22 PM:
this song is not of the "Statues in Motion" i know not this song can i have this song from you in full ??? this song is good send me this song and i send a song from "Statues in Motion" to you. here is my email adress [email protected]
Greet from Germany Jugge
From Hacharma213, 6/30/2019 1:34:57 PM:
June 30, 2019. We are trying to find this song, somebody posted it on YT and then it started a searching.
If somebody has the full version, the name or something, please make us and this guy know
From john123, 6/30/2019 9:45:00 PM:
i found the name, rick astley - never gonna give you up
From bigd69, 7/3/2019 9:19:17 AM:
Gucci mane - get money ni**a
From Jarezard, 7/9/2019 3:26:51 PM:
I kinda want and do not want to know at the same time.
Does it make any sense?
From Sumfeg, 7/9/2019 4:24:39 PM:
I guess it sorta makes sense, since it's a very large mystery. Of course, we have to thank Whang! for making a video on this topic. As soon as I heard the song, it sounded very familiar, especially the guitar riffs, but the singing is just kinda off. I'm very sure I've heard this somewhere, maybe on a radio(?) I come from the Czech Republic, in case anyone was wondering. I really want to get this mystery cracked.
From Hawkbone, 7/9/2019 5:33:37 PM:
I'm just commenting here to leave my mark on this obscure bit of internet history.
From Hawkbone, 7/9/2019 5:34:11 PM:
I'm just commenting here to leave my mark on this obscure bit of internet history.
From 18kss, 7/9/2019 10:03:52 PM:
sounds like riddim to me
From an armed cat, 7/9/2019 10:10:59 PM:
sounds like goodtimes to me
From tucker, 7/9/2019 11:02:19 PM:
From OctoVeemo20, 7/10/2019 2:17:50 AM:
This song sounds pretty awestacular! Glad I found out about this from Youtuber Whang!, because had it not popped up in my YT recommended, it wouldn't be completely glued into my mind like it is. I have high hopes that this mysterious tune gets solved because I'd love to share the entire/full version upon it being solved... 👀 Especially with friends/family!
From yeetskeetrepeat, 7/10/2019 5:21:04 AM:
Imagine if a "7 vinyl with this song was found.
From DumbMe, 7/10/2019 7:18:23 AM:
The internet is fun. It's "Like A Dream" by DumbMe, a British band from the late 70s and early 80s.
I'm making it up of course, but best of luck!
From RetroRenegade, 7/10/2019 2:16:12 PM:
The poster's real name is Anton Riedel
From Tryingtofindthis, 7/11/2019 7:23:17 AM:
Does OP (bluuue) have the cassette that he recored it with, somehwere? If we have the cassette it may help
From Lewis Ender, 7/11/2019 10:05:52 PM:
I have attempted to track down "bluuue"'s activities around 2007 and prior to see if we have missed a post from him in relation to the song. Unfortunately, there is no other references to the user I have found online. I will search a bit more on this. My next step is to try and find some archives of German radio stations in the 80's. Will be tedious. But, it's worth a try.
From Lewis Ender, 7/11/2019 10:56:17 PM:
I should note that I'm aware of the German forums found about bluuue. Besides these, there is nothing else I could dig up. Yet again, I don't know German. So, I could be missing something.
From NCXitlali, 7/12/2019 2:27:24 AM:
This song is so familiar to me! Maybe I am just imagining things but I might have heard it when I was a kid? I am a 90's kid after all. Currently 31. BTW, if anyone wants to check my channel out it is NCXitlali. I do travel blogs in several languages. I am about to upload a new one in Japanese and possibly mandarin. I am also thinking of uploading videogame reviews of some of the rarest stuff in my collection.
From leif, 7/13/2019 12:02:36 AM:
we will find it.
From Anon, 7/16/2019 3:20:18 AM:
This doesn't seem to be German at all. I speak fluent German and the person singing really doesn't have a German accent or is singing in German from my hearing.
From Hagdxn, 7/16/2019 3:31:39 AM:
It's sounds like The Police in the style and it sounds like the guy singing is British.
From rev, 7/18/2019 1:11:54 PM:
Full version found we gettin closer
From Pt, 7/22/2019 9:17:35 PM:
It’s not this clip, but to me it sounds a lot like Rendezvous from Jawoll. Maybe some sort of english cover?
From Porkupine, 8/9/2019 10:58:44 AM:
Anton are u still here
From Zvezda, 8/11/2019 5:33:29 AM:
This could possibly be East German, it kinda sounds like a few cassettes I have heard from East Berlin from the mid 80s era.
From Sethzman#8509 (Discord), 8/22/2019 8:27:12 AM:
Honestly the song brings me back to a few places but It really is kinda wierd how nostalgic it feels
From 1S_G5, 8/27/2019 5:16:31 PM:
I know this song on some radio stations only near "snow time" also I use to have a fm saiso radio/stereo "he" went to the dump in 2019 😒
From leon (iwobe), 9/17/2019 7:43:15 PM:
leavin my mark here like da other dudes
hopefully 20 years from now we'll have our answer
From rodtwo, 10/4/2019 4:14:03 PM:
I discovered about it from:
From cL, 10/11/2019 3:46:21 PM:
There's no space There's no tomooorrow
From Yardley, 10/26/2019 6:06:26 PM:
Hello, i don't know anything new, but i only want to be part of this piece of history, don't mind my coment, hehe.
From bleach768, 10/30/2019 12:22:08 AM:
From Hey, 10/31/2019 9:21:47 PM:
Happy Halloween, the wind is certainly "running" tonight! -TMS Discord Mod
From luna, 11/8/2019 4:53:39 PM:
leaving the mark on the mystery :3
From Dennis, 11/18/2019 5:35:11 PM:
Like the Wind by Antwon01
From Greg, 11/18/2019 8:02:52 PM:
Come on people, let it go. Sounds like 100 other 80’s songs!
From Cale, 11/18/2019 10:15:29 PM:
The music sounds like a mix between “died in your arms” by cutting crew and “I don’t want to lose your love tonight” by the outfield; don’t know the language; sorry. Certainly doesn’t seem original. Maybe it’s the first ever mashup. Haha
From Yahve Lang, 12/10/2019 10:42:25 PM:
Quiero ser el primer hispanohablante en quedar registrado en la historia aquí
From Macello, 12/12/2019 7:31:13 AM:
Qual música você está escutando no momento?
É complicado...
From A.M., 12/12/2019 10:20:11 AM:
I completely understand this investigation, but as I was trying to explain this to people, everyone thought that it was a hoax, that someone recorded themself to get attention. Is there any evidence that this is not the case?
From Neodonya, 12/15/2019 12:21:13 PM:
I think that this song was recorded by bluuue himself. He just lost his memories about it and now lives trying to find what he always had.
From 12_56, 12/19/2019 12:26:19 AM:
The drums sounds worn out so maybe the drums from the band got used over and over? By second hand use or from the band making other songs?
From Slobodan5153, 12/25/2019 4:33:27 AM:
Now I'm the part of history! Good luck to all who is helping to find this
Man I know we will find out this song, we can do this :)
From David iinkling, 1/2/2020 6:23:22 PM:
Ya know? This sounds a lot like "Strangers", made by a band called "Sinking Ships". Also I've heard that the radio station probabliy aired demos or completely unknown songs. Probably this was a Sinking Ships demo
From Dennis, 1/6/2020 5:43:32 PM:
People stoped searching for this song 4-2007..... Soon we will all forget about it and in again 12 years someone will read this site again...
Right... looks like a joke to me. Its a fake. I dont believe the first post was in 2007. Someone faked it. Its a nice song tho
From Dennis, 1/8/2020 10:20:25 AM:
Your the one who knows it bluuue. :) Its a question for everybody.
From Biciklo, 1/11/2020 11:31:44 AM:
The name of this song is "Time To Win".
From bluuue, 1/13/2020 12:03:35 PM:
This actually isn't the real bluuue. For some reason anyone can reply with any name. I was just seeing if that would actually work. It makes me wonder how much of this is actually real...
From A.M., 1/13/2020 3:21:10 PM:
Something about this song seems familiar like I've heard it before in an eerie way. Or maybe it is just my imagination saying I have. Either way, something about this song makes me feel strange.
From Gonthorian, 1/14/2020 3:37:55 PM:
Maybe we'll discover it this decade!
From Ambrose, 1/15/2020 12:23:27 PM:
We probably will. I heard that the DJ that originally is thought to have played this probably is looking through old record collections. It's only a matter of time! (Hopefully.)
From A.M., 1/23/2020 10:11:36 PM:
The voices sound strangely like those from the Alan Parsons Project: here's an example:
From St. Gideon, 2/29/2020 1:26:04 AM:
Bluuue you mad lad. Look what you've done. :p
From Sebastián, 3/3/2020 9:42:51 AM:
Everyone in my family thinks it's a hoax. How can I prove them wrong? It might be after all.
From Somorik, 3/8/2020 8:46:58 AM:
I think that the song was made by a neural network of several tracks that exist today, since there are several familiar samples in this song, so it seems familiar to us. So I'm with a 90% probability that the neural network did this. We don’t know when we connected the neural network to create tracks.
From Hotdawg, 3/14/2020 4:12:06 AM:
the fact that this song is unknown, it makes this song feels more mysterious and nostalgic
From Halen Lennon, 3/16/2020 1:30:14 AM:
After reading this forum and doing hours and hours of research (if you can call it that)I'm starting to think this is all a hoax... in a weird way. Idk I'm so lost. I just want answers. Im starting to lose interest anyways. Almost time to move on from this search nothing but dead leads and same old information. "HaVE yOu hEArD sinKInG sHiP" . YES!!!!!
From Tommy, 3/18/2020 12:26:27 PM:
Happy 13 year anniversary! Let's find this song before the coronavirus kills us all.
From Nick Pevarnik, 3/26/2020 10:36:04 PM:
Infact I am not from Germany, In the 80s I was on a trip there and the atmosphere really helped me and the band come up with lyrics
From AxiomaticVertex, 3/27/2020 12:37:30 AM:
Are you one of the members?
From Kitteh, 4/23/2020 5:58:16 AM:
Wow. So this is the origin of the whole mystery, huh?
I'm looking through a ton of lesser viewed German 1980's vinyl uploads on YouTube. I'm willing to bet the song's hidden among them, fully credited, and it's just a matter of nobody having found it yet.
From Mustafa, 5/3/2020 4:15:42 PM:
Hey, I've been listening to this song for a while and I really like it. I am trying to figure out whether I know this song or not.
From RustySpork, 5/26/2020 12:54:35 AM:
It's not being heard by enough people. Not enough people are aware of this song. How can we make more people hear it?
This whole situation is so interesting! Hope that this song will be found some day.
From Cooltaha, 6/5/2020 1:13:55 PM:
Well damn this is a neat song, imagine it never gets found but hopefully someday it will.
From nohopestage, 6/5/2020 5:31:20 PM:
Just my mark on history
From AxiomaticVertex, 6/5/2020 10:15:37 PM:
A new development:
From rustam, 6/6/2020 6:22:41 AM:
hello all!
From Yea, 6/6/2020 11:41:01 PM:
From Karpa, 6/7/2020 11:50:59 AM:
From Karlodann, 6/8/2020 1:22:07 AM:
Hopefully they find this song, I'm stuck with this mystery
From Temaisgame, 6/9/2020 4:15:47 AM:
No one knows this song.
From TDKtape, 6/12/2020 6:01:47 AM:
Still slaps confirmed
From Ice, 6/18/2020 2:06:00 PM:
I pitched the song a bit down, so it sounds a bit more natural. Maybe it helps? I don't know just listen:
From DomPedro, 7/2/2020 4:36:15 PM:
I'm wainting Natanael of "Fábrica de Noobs" channel resolve it.
From franzy boi, 9/5/2020 12:58:22 PM:
well, I do hope that with future technology we do get to find it. This is where I leave my mark. I wish you all luck.
From anton3312578859, 9/8/2020 2:49:09 AM: i am found
From BSP016, 10/4/2020 2:09:36 AM:
Inb4 it gets solved
From Tyler Boro, 10/21/2020 9:26:38 PM:
Blind the Wind by Paul Baskerville
From Tombo, 10/27/2020 10:32:39 AM:
Like "du vin" You King Herode
From Kryze, 10/30/2020 1:53:58 AM:
I was here before it was solved
From d-shev, 10/31/2020 10:37:29 AM:
Was most probably recorded by a small European band. Most people who were involved in making it are surely in their 60s by now.
From Area time, 11/14/2020 8:05:40 PM:
Sooooo is the song like, solved now or?
From TamagoIku, 11/28/2020 2:26:45 AM:
I want this to be solved
From Erayklc, 11/28/2020 2:53:40 PM:
The most beautiful song i ever listen. Please find something!!
From Matouzzka, 11/28/2020 8:19:59 PM:
Seru Giran?
From Loriz, 12/18/2020 3:40:54 PM:
The Song is made by Statues in Motion, a greek new wave Band from the 80s. They wrote it in 1982. it was not played on their Album because of lack of space. Here is a Interview between the Band's Director and a YouTube User. And the Song is called "Like The Wind". The Singer's name is George Dalambiras, also known as Alvin Dean...
From Gerardo, 12/19/2020 2:08:13 AM:
The full interview with Billy Knight (Statues in Motion) Could it be the end of the mystery?
From derfie, 1/10/2021 2:46:23 PM:
First comment in 2021 YAY!
From DipDingleWienerButt, 1/11/2021 9:37:52 AM:
hope that we find the song this year???
From Alvin Peen, 1/11/2021 6:29:32 PM:
big chungus
From RatherNotSay, 1/12/2021 2:55:04 AM:
The song was not written by SIM, but it was recorded by them before 1983. Synth was a Jupi. It wasn't in any LP because the author thought it was incomplete and lyrics needed polishing. Never got to it and demo cassettes went out from sound engineer, not band nor record co. How it got to air in BRD is a mystery.
From Kaylynn Hammond, 1/12/2021 7:39:24 AM:
Can you provide any proof? How do you know all of this?
From Temaisgame (from 2020 / 2019), 1/24/2021 10:21:50 AM:
Alvin Dean's Solo Project - Blind The Wind
From NOBIL126, 2/12/2021 2:17:24 PM:
А вот и первый русский комментарий;)
From bruh, 2/27/2021 6:41:00 AM:
god these people waste so much time making stuff up about the song, they impede on the search so much
From Mæquã, 3/2/2021 2:46:50 AM:
Leaving my mark on internet history lmao whaddup gang
From Jorge Luis 88, 3/7/2021 4:16:12 AM:
I think we are very close to finding out the truth about this song. Thanks to Lydia and Darius for recording it and posting it.
From Daniil Mishin, 3/12/2021 3:48:48 AM:
the fact that u guys are doin is incredible, but i feel that not enough people have heard this song yet to find its creator
From vasyltk, 3/13/2021 5:17:40 PM:
i like this song
From VXZ, 3/15/2021 11:23:28 AM:
Второй русский коммент :3
From Tombo, 3/18/2021 12:00:45 PM:
Happy 14th Year anniversary! This song needs to be found soon!
From axie, 3/19/2021 12:16:19 AM:
happy 14 years :)
From Waad, 3/29/2021 4:11:55 PM:
пишу в эпичном треде
From StuttgartLeft4Dead, 4/22/2021 9:22:39 PM:
Ich war hier
From Mdimas, 4/27/2021 4:00:51 PM:
Мы все ещё ждем
From IsInT'une, 5/4/2021 12:12:29 PM:
This song with 4 others (an album) is on youtube? 22:41 v=_____8_M___ far be it from me to sp0il th3 mystery? Shine on..💎
From Michigun, 5/8/2021 9:57:32 AM:
we are still waiting.
From big_pp_69, 5/22/2021 3:58:45 AM:
statue in motor made this song with billy and ronnie,, here is my essay video with solid proof:
From NathanGorgeous, 6/16/2021 11:58:45 PM:
Personally, I wouldn't rule out Billy and Ronnie entirely, but they need to cooperate and provide some hard evidence! Just my two cents.
That being said, I look forward to continuing the search for this awesome song.
Thank you Darius and Lydia for bringing so many together around this great piece of music!
From Can, 6/18/2021 7:21:31 AM:
Here before the mystery gets solved.
From Feynman, 6/25/2021 1:36:05 PM:
Well, it's a nice song nevertheless... :)
From wawa, 7/11/2021 1:52:43 PM:
tagchen leute! viel glück bei der suche ^^
From ttforever, 7/24/2021 9:35:13 AM:
Love this song although idk who sings it, let’s hope it gets solved soon
From NauticalAero, 8/16/2021 4:51:27 PM:
I know what this song is... really! Here are the details...
Artist: Statues in Motion Song: Like the Wind Album: S. I. M. Year: 1983 Recorded in: Germany
From NauticalAero, 8/16/2021 6:51:05 PM:
The reason why I found these details is because I checked with my friend to see if my details were accurate, turns out, it was because she has that song before, right on her playlist.
From Plume, 8/30/2021 1:20:48 PM:
On retrouva le son dans des années peut-être 🤔
From Bloom Grey, 8/30/2021 3:50:29 PM:
I think the song was recorded in another universe 🤔
From Dreamyy, 8/30/2021 5:13:06 PM:
Are you sure that it's not you who did it ? x)
From Benji, 8/30/2021 6:07:45 PM:
Bonne chance à tous
From Balotelli, 8/30/2021 7:17:03 PM:
Seb la Frite le boss.
From Gij0m, 8/31/2021 5:05:50 AM:
La vidéo de Seb la Frite m'a retourné le cerveau, faut trouver maintenant !
From Syroko, 8/31/2021 8:12:27 AM:
Si ça ce trouve c'était juste un petit groupe random qui passé a la radio !
From Yukikanou, 8/31/2021 8:15:48 AM:
Il faut comparer les musique des autre artiste car si on fait sa peut être on va démasquer l'artiste sinon bonne chance a tous
From Yukikanou, 8/31/2021 11:52:19 AM:
You're sure Jake ?
From yobelle, 8/31/2021 3:33:02 PM:
j ai peter
From Jake, 8/31/2021 8:50:45 PM:
Le son est genial il faut le trouver
From NauticalAero, 9/1/2021 1:06:10 AM:
@Bluuue Thanks!! My friend and I are the ones who found it. Now you understand who made this song, right? 🙂
From Yukikanou, 9/1/2021 3:51:04 AM:
Bluuue ne t’inquiète pas on va le trouver cette artiste
From NauticalAero, 9/3/2021 1:45:08 PM:
@bluuue Quick question! Do you think my details were accurate or no? The reason I'm asking you this is because my friend and I checked to see if everything seems good, but here's the details I have in review...
Artist: Statues in Motion Song title: Like the Wind Album: S. I. M. Year: 1983 Recorded in: Germany
Do you think these details were right, @bluuue?
From DenjiBloom, 9/4/2021 7:11:20 AM:
I can't understand how this is a mystery.. This was played on a German radio, how does the radio channel itself doesn't where they got it from? Weird that even 14 years after this mystery, the signer of the song has not showed any signs or something..
From NauticalAero, 9/4/2021 9:04:47 PM:
@Denjibloom It was because none of the stations have details of the song, whether commentary, credit or not, until there was the latest technology came by in newer cars at the Y2K's, or the 2000s. So, now do you understand my details of the song? Statues in Motion or not, this is what my friend got in her playlist of songs. Now do you understand what I mean?
From YugoHippie, 9/7/2021 5:52:28 AM:
Sometimes I think that when this'll be solved, the beauty of the mysteriousness of the song will fade away.
From NauticalAero, 9/7/2021 9:42:05 PM:
@YugoHippie It happens to a lot of lost media like this one. BUT, once found, stays found that whoever gets this found, will be famous! 😉 Do you think that the details I have for this song is accurate? I was asking you this because I've been hoping to get this found for everyone, like me. 🙂
From NauticalAero, 9/16/2021 1:12:55 PM:
Looks like we're still on a search to get this song done. Let's keep our fingers crossed!😁
From cat123, 9/18/2021 6:21:53 AM:
I don't know English very well, so I can translate something incorrectly
it was made by some teenagers. I hear in this song copied pieces from others. For example, I can clearly hear the melody of the song Rotzkotz - Top Secret. So the author of the song as well as its name is unlikely to be found
From NauticalAero, 9/18/2021 12:09:28 PM:
@cat123 Strange... I was really hoping things will be found. But it's really confusing about what's going on.
From Shawn Morissette, 12/18/2021 9:26:52 PM:
Is it Falco?
From normalti, 12/26/2021 10:42:02 AM:
I genuinely don’t think that it is Statues in Motion but I most definitely DO think that it was Alvin Dean’s vocals. But he fucking disappeared and Billy hasn’t talked to him in forever. My guess is during Statues in Motion, Alvin was working on another song with someone else in 83 or 84. Correct me if I’m missing any info but I swear to god, the singer from like the wind sounds so much like Alvin Dean it’s crazy
From normalti, 12/26/2021 10:45:34 AM:
Statues in Motion’s style is synth and not real rock instruments. That’s why I don’t think it’s them, but, I wouldn’t rule out Alvin.
From normalti, 12/26/2021 4:54:36 PM:
I spoke to a guy who worked at NDR and apparently they would get a bunch of demos, play it once, then throw them out. The tapes would be lucky to get another play before being thrown away, theres a good chance that Blind the Wind doesn’t have a record at the store.
From normalti, 12/26/2021 4:56:03 PM:
It was most likely playing around June of 84, because it was playing at the same time of Ghostbusters. Idk if Lydia has a specific date of when it was played but yeahh.
From normalti, 12/27/2021 10:47:40 AM:
maybe it was rotzkotz? did anyone already rule them out? it sounds like top secret like how cat123 mentioned
From Depleuer, 12/27/2021 6:16:52 PM:
Yes its this song:
From JENCI, 1/3/2022 4:57:25 AM:
2022 and still looking
From cat123, 1/4/2022 2:05:48 PM:
hi guys again, I found a band with very similar vocals. here's the video
I took the following information from the discogs: New Wave/ Post Punk band from Karlskrona, Sweden. Existed between 1985 and 1990. The band started as a punk rock style DIY project during high school. They had moderate success with singles played on national radio and minor tours.
yes, the band existed between 1988 and 90, but maybe the vocalist or the band had some old recordings?
someone contacted Rotzkotz. The band doesn't know anything about the song we're looking for. therefore, it is unlikely that this is their song.
From Belli, 1/4/2022 4:01:14 PM:
Tahle píseň je moc krásná a tajemná a myslím si, že je velká škoda, že je autor neznámý už skoro 15 let a ani se k takovému hitu nehlásí 😔Moc si přeji,ať se jednou najde odpověď na tuhle záhadu 🎵🎸❤️
From normalti, 1/6/2022 11:23:16 AM:
cat123 about that sounds a lot like ‘blind the wind’ its totally the same instruments and vocals, thanks for sharing
From normalti, 1/6/2022 11:25:21 AM:
but theres barely anything about the band:( lets hope someone is able to contact one of the members
From normalti, 1/6/2022 11:30:11 AM:
found some stuff about mao on
but,, it does sound quite different than the vocals from blind the wind, it couldve been someone else singing though
From normalti, 1/6/2022 11:31:34 AM:
martin elmberg and roger persson did the vocals for mao, maybe its worth looking in to?
From Belli, 1/7/2022 10:30:54 AM:
Když si polechnete píseň Future Myth od SIM( Statues in motion)tak hlas Alvina Deana zní hodně podobně jako hlas z Like the Wind
From normalti, 1/10/2022 10:38:05 AM:
Určitě to zní jako Alvin Dean, ale nikdo neví, co se s ním stalo .
From bestb0iz, 2/9/2022 11:56:58 AM:
song sounds so familiar 🤔
From Hasame, 2/13/2022 9:53:44 PM:
the music seems familiar to me I feel like I've heard it before it's weird I hope someone will find where it comes from !!
From George, 2/19/2022 6:33:30 PM:
No died
From Bluuue, 2/19/2022 6:49:53 PM:
Thanks 2022 brother Dairus qdep
From dosenroggenbrot, 3/6/2022 10:42:23 PM:
Sounds like Christian Hound before they changed styles
Holy shit Christian Hound sounds similar. We should really look in to that one.
From Man in Blue Flames, 3/14/2022 5:28:03 AM:
No one will look in to new leads be cause no one cares for TMS anymore. "Lydia" and "Darius" are not trustworthy. "Axie" the self appointed leader of the search is an emotionally unstable front hole she can't stop gaslighting everyone. It is likely TMS was made by "Lydia" and "Darius" or their friends. "Lydia" likely does not exist. People are beginning to realise there's no thing to be found and moving on.
From Tombo, 3/18/2022 12:00:46 PM:
15 years pass by and we still search for that elusive name and artist. Happy 15th year anniversary.
From Helem, 3/18/2022 4:09:02 PM:
Toujours en recherche du son, coucou du helem en 2030 :)
From popsicle, 3/19/2022 6:06:29 AM:
From Soooow, 3/28/2022 4:12:50 PM:
Pour moi le groupe qui est à l’origine de cette musique est « statues in motion » un groupe de musique qui a la même voix que dans la musique « the mysterious song »
From Nate Guy, 4/18/2022 11:50:39 PM:
god i love this song
From abaked, 5/24/2022 10:16:39 PM: HERE YOU GO :3
From Kapnoc, 6/5/2022 10:20:50 PM:
Bueno chavos solo ando acá para dejar mi lugar en el internet
From JhinStroKE, 6/11/2022 9:58:18 AM:
My name is Pablo, I'm suspecting that the band that created this song is a french band called Little Nemo, I'm contacting the band through facebook. I ask you to do the same:
They seem to be active, and if you have anything new, leave a comment below...
From HeroNix, 7/10/2022 4:40:04 PM:
It's dounds like a molchat doma. It's a Russian band, but they weren't in 80's. And hii into the future! Maybe we will know the truth someday. And i have a feeling i heard that in the radio when i was kid. I'm from Czech Republic btw. But i think the Band is maybe old ended small band that wasn't have any fame. If yes it will be so sad and tragical story :(
From chiquitapia2004, 7/18/2022 5:06:37 PM:
bna cancion mg
franco bicurioso
From Alex, 7/24/2022 4:24:21 AM:
Hi. Please get it to Song. I Dont me to wating anymore. Chorus:I Dont me to wating anymore. Do way to You, do wating For. I Believe from Year 1991 and its Synth Pop. Thank You.
From Natasha Helen, 8/2/2022 6:26:57 AM:
I am no closer than any of you to solving this, and probably a lot further away than most of you. But I've been looking into this and theorise that this is NOT the Greek band Statues in Motion. I don't have proof for this theory yet, but I hope to soon.
From DayMan, 8/22/2022 3:24:11 AM:
Good afternoon, I think I found a song Title: Mysterious Author:DAMIAN Release year:1984 (there is a possibility that this is not the original, just any person has appropriated the rights !!!)
From DayMan, 8/22/2022 4:03:15 AM:
sorry this song was released in 2022
From Juviko, 8/22/2022 4:36:03 AM:
How is it possible that no person on this earth has an answer?
From DayMan, 8/22/2022 6:49:23 AM:
maybe someone can find
From Dino B., 9/5/2022 3:41:54 AM:
I have bad news. The singer has died last year, 2021. His name was ANDREAS POGODA (FIRST AIR CRASH IN NEVADA, COMPANIONS). This song was from COMPANIONS (they put the name of the band in the song and faded the rest).. I need someone from GERMANY to help!
From fly away akiba tape enjoyer, 9/5/2022 8:16:24 PM:
@Dino B. hi, do you have proof? i wouldnt be surprised if TMV died recently as covid19 has effected his age group in addition to the search underwhelming since late 2020. but do you have proof pogoda is him?
From Dino B., 9/6/2022 12:59:45 AM:
There IS proof BUT since bluuey never replied to me in 2007, 2009, 2014, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022...!!!!!.....I! need someone ELSE from Germany for help. The full answer is just a phone call away! COME ON!
From Dino B., 9/6/2022 2:47:58 AM:
I published two comments months ago on the youtube clip of 12/07/2019
I only need ONE person in Germany to make a phone call to Sylt. No one replied! Does no one want to know the answer? Come on!
From fly away akiba tape enjoyer, 9/6/2022 5:19:36 PM:
@Dino B. what? you can't find any germans? just ask on r/themysterioussong or the discord at the drop of a hat any number of them will help out. that is, if youre legit.
From GoGodman, 9/9/2022 5:08:14 PM:
Sounds like Giants Causeway - Gift of life (1986)
From GoGodman, 9/9/2022 5:30:28 PM:
Sounds like Sinking Ships - Strangers (1981)
From GoGodman, 9/9/2022 5:33:53 PM:
Sounds like Giants Causeway, a gothic rock band from Austria. Could this be their demo perchance?
From GoGodman, 9/9/2022 5:37:27 PM:
Sounds like Giants Causeway, a gothic rock band from Austria. This is probably a demo taped while on their 1982 tour in Hamburg.
From GoGodman, 9/9/2022 5:39:49 PM:
It also could be Alvin Dean on vocals with Giants Causeway while on their 1982 tour in Hamburg.
From GoGodman, 9/9/2022 5:41:37 PM:
It also could be a demo of Alvin Dean with Homicide and Sinking Ships.
From Dino B., 9/10/2022 5:18:24 AM:
The voice of Alvin Dean and TMS singer are different to my real ears.
Sinking Ships were discarded in the year, 2019.
It doesn't seem there was a Giant Causeway (Austria, 80's)...
Come on guys...
From antiyoungboy2010, 9/10/2022 5:55:02 PM:
From Mike, 10/20/2022 4:37:51 PM:
Merci a seb la frite de m'avoir replonger dans se mystere
From G23M08, 10/22/2022 2:09:24 PM:
giants causeway was formed in the 90s not the 80s so thats ruled out
From 1S_G5, 11/2/2022 2:46:23 AM:
I believe, it's a band that was somewhat inspired by Dire straights.
Also The Canadian band spoon, made similar songs to Tms and were in a position where they were originally a punk band.
And went to synth-ish type music then back to its roots.
The spoons, had a manager from who knew this music group from England.
Xtc seems close to Tms and where they came from, in orgin.
Spoons, feel like they were inspired by the same thing. That thing, i don't know.
But maybe they heard each others music before. Just because their styles are so similar.
From 1S_G5, 11/2/2022 2:52:04 AM:
the reason why I say, inspired by Dire is, Cuz the timeframes match.
I'm referring to their song "sultans of swing" in particular.
The bass, and atmosphere are identical.
(As if they were taking inspiration from this song) The song has been around before 1980, maybe 1978 or 79.
From Jaguar wave, 1/22/2023 6:49:55 AM:
Essa música é da carreira solo do alvin dean (george dalambiras)
From Jaguar wave, 1/23/2023 9:24:11 AM:
lembro de uma musica que parecia statues in motion não é a like the wind é outra eu ainda vou fazer uma postagem falando um pouco mais
From cdeleted, 1/27/2023 2:08:34 PM:
I left my mark on history
From dd, 1/27/2023 4:49:39 PM:
From cozmoroller, 2/4/2023 9:17:14 PM:
lol i made a comment here
From Lakeisha Roman, 2/9/2023 3:56:38 PM:
Hi webmaster, Thanks for the well-organized and comprehensive post!
From leo098, 2/11/2023 11:37:01 AM:
Привет всем;)
From salmon verdoso, 2/17/2023 1:33:14 PM:
puto el q lee
From NÆTe, 2/19/2023 4:48:42 AM:
Has anyone looked into East Germany during Perestroika/Glasnost? It's the only thing I can think that makes sense. This band must've been some Russian and German kids who took advantage of the newfound openness to demo this out…… plus kind sounds A LITTLE like Kino a bit. Any thoughts/leads on this people?
From 4chan, 2/19/2023 5:31:18 AM:
i have the name of it.
From Joshua Micki, 2/24/2023 11:56:01 PM:
No way what is it Please tell 4chan
From 4chan, 2/27/2023 5:47:19 AM:
From Tom, 3/18/2023 12:08:32 PM:
Happy 16th anniversary of this search. Let's find this thing soon...
From NÆTe, 3/18/2023 6:50:28 PM:
Update to everyone (if you're interested) there is some idea brewing the British/German singer Black (aka Colin Vearncombe) may have had something to do with this song.Hopefully more info in the coming weeks. Stay Tuned.
From Mac, 4/13/2023 7:22:08 PM:
We can do this folks. Keep it up!
From Neidhardt, der Blitzschnelle, 4/21/2023 5:51:09 AM:
@NÆTe well, Perestroika/Glasnost didn't get enabled until 1986, so if your theory is correct, that would mean that the song is not quite as old as previously believed.
From Moha, 5/20/2023 3:13:34 AM:
This sound kind of similar but little more upbeat without the synths ↓↓↓ Check Out the first track (Say Goodbye) by "Post Sinking Ships" or just "Sinking Ships" ↓↓↓
From Lectrivol, 5/25/2023 8:05:19 PM:
Happiness has to be fought for. Much like this song. We can find it!
From Kobus, 5/26/2023 8:45:48 PM:
A doom map brought me here
From This guy, 5/28/2023 9:05:13 AM:
it’s a good song alright
From xeonrd, 5/31/2023 4:03:07 PM:
time goes by, and we still don't know anything about this song..
From Rapid, 6/4/2023 2:33:32 PM:
one day we will find it, that will be a happy day
From FriendlyChemist, 6/8/2023 10:00:50 AM:
Checking in & out, sup
pls find :3
From Mr. Muppinator, 6/8/2023 3:40:55 PM:
One day we'll find it...the Rainbow Connection... 😉
From Dream Tonight, 6/9/2023 7:28:01 AM:
Продам гараж.
From tom, 6/10/2023 8:56:36 AM:
damn...16 years
From Anonymous, 6/10/2023 10:50:01 AM:
The Rock Show - Subways (1984)? I hope this helps! (edit: I just coined a band by reading comments, but I can't confirm or deny the situation whether the dreams come true or not.)
From KahureToast, 6/11/2023 12:41:17 AM:
Happiness has to be fought for. I wonder what OP is doing rn, do they even know how big this search has gotten?
From Anonymous, 6/11/2023 5:14:56 AM:
This is not Depeche Mode, not Tears for Fears, not Alphaville, not even Statues in Motion. If you have proof that you've guessed the band correctly, please post a comment from YouTube or Reddit.
From TREXEL, 6/11/2023 9:55:14 AM:
Добрый день. напишу по Русски, Кому надо переведет. Увидел расследование на ютубе и очень заинтересовался этой темой. Перерыв кучу информации в интернете пришел к вывl
From TREXEL, 6/11/2023 9:56:18 AM:
выводу, что эта песня сольный проект вокалиста группы Statues In Motion. Но правду мы сможем узнать, только если этот человек выйдет на связь.
From TREXEL, 6/11/2023 9:57:02 AM:
P.S. Пришла в голову мысль, какими должны быть доказательства, чтобы общественность поверила человеку что это его песня?
From TREXEL, 6/11/2023 9:57:22 AM:
Если это была Дэмо-версия. Листок с оригинальным текстом написанным от руки? Кассета с оригинальной записью? Нотный лист с написанными партиями?
From Anonymous, 6/11/2023 1:14:01 PM:
Some people think it's AI-generated, but we're currently searching for the actual proof.
From Pixel, 6/12/2023 8:41:01 AM:
Hmm... Check out this one
From adjiajv, 6/12/2023 9:24:41 AM:
How would it be ai generated? it was uploaded to this site back in 2007
From Anonymous, 6/13/2023 10:43:23 AM:
"Happiness has to be fought for."
From Some Mexican guy, 6/13/2023 11:54:43 PM:
...I hope that one day some clue will be found, I have been following this case since 2010 but the truth is that I have not found anything, and I just realized that they already touched on this topic on YouTube and I never realized it, lol I just thought Nobody would notice this post because when I looked for something that had to do with the song, I couldn't find anything...
From Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, United States, 6/17/2023 9:09:29 PM:
Isn't it interesting that in the year 2023 no one is able to identify this song, its origin, the artist(s), or really much of anything about it?
Well done.
From Anonymous, 6/18/2023 8:57:50 AM:
Maybe it's "Companions - Subways (1983-84)" if you read the comments from the beginning.
From Anonymous, 6/18/2023 9:01:25 AM:
I hope we will find evidence of this song if a time machine exists. That would have been a great idea.
From doigh, 6/21/2023 7:28:50 AM:
I really hope we will find out more about this song and it's artist.
From Malvitron, 6/23/2023 6:32:08 PM:
Is Darude- Sandstorm
From Евгений, 6/26/2023 7:36:23 AM:
----Original---- Друзья, англоязычные люди! Я не считаю это обманом! Скорее всего, это не вышедший хит, который пустили в эфир, но исполнитель по какой-то причине не стал записывать сту
From Евгений, 6/26/2023 7:37:33 AM:
Friends, English speaking people! I don't think it's cheating! Most likely, this is not a hit that was released on the air, but for some reason the performer did not record studio versions ... Perhaps, physically he could not.
From gross_motor, 6/30/2023 11:21:27 AM:
well i can see where john maus got his sound. if you told me it was him from 2014 i'd believe it.
From KnuckleHead, 7/1/2023 11:22:41 AM:
This song maybe lost to time... only thing we have is the recording and knowing that the DX5 Synth may have been used. Man i hope this goes deeper.
From Anonymous, 7/2/2023 3:10:56 PM:
"Companions - Blind the Wind" I don't think there is evidence of the mystery while the search continues forever.
From Beerlady23, 7/9/2023 4:04:07 PM:
I have been following this mystery for a few years ~ even asked my older Aunts and Uncles that live overseas or grew up in the 60’s. Because to me it has a 60’s vibe to it. But most of them agreed that it sounds so familiar but no one could actually say who it is. I will continue with my search and check back here, over time. One of life’s mystery’s…..
From LPapyrusBankai, 7/10/2023 4:40:11 AM:
This is interesting, now my favourite song now. Gladly, it isn't forgotten into obscurity but rather the band itself is forgotten sadly. But hey, i really love that song.
From Anonymous, 7/11/2023 10:01:34 AM:
COMPANIONS - SUBWAYS (1983 DEMO) Note: That's my guess, I hope it will be recognized soon.
From The Actual Inventor of YouTube (not the Paypal Guy, 7/11/2023 11:10:29 AM:
Is there any chance to ask the German radio station where it was originally recorded from? They could probably know or have an archive maybe :)
From Anonymous, 7/12/2023 1:05:33 PM:
Even Shazam, Discogs, or AllMusic can't identify who wrote or recorded that song since the search has gotten so far. Once we manage to solve the mystery, the song name will be added to the music platforms. OK?
From Dilligan Madden, 7/13/2023 5:12:53 PM:
The song is called Gone with the wind by Die Deutsche Ubersetzung
From Marcus Hephyer, 7/14/2023 6:16:20 AM:
I can confirm with the comment above ^^^
the song is indeed "Gone with the wind"
can't believe its actually found.
From Anonymous, 7/14/2023 11:36:37 AM:
Guys, did you find that evidence? Did we manage to solve the mystery? Let's check Shazam if it guesses the right song name.
From Cygnus, 7/14/2023 11:43:30 AM:
evidence that its Gone With the Wind?
From Cygnus, 7/14/2023 12:10:53 PM:
I have a feeling that Billy from SIM was riding on the coattails of Alvin Dean....that this was from a demo that Alvin made, post SIM, possibly. The fact that Alvin is MIA may have something to do with the fact that it's remained a mystery for so long
From Anonymous, 7/14/2023 12:12:13 PM:
Dude, I was talking about how this song was made and recorded. Apparently, "Gone with the Wind" might have been on Spotify, Apple Music, and other music databases I provided so far.
From Anonymous, 7/14/2023 12:14:28 PM:
Dude, I was talking about how this song was made and recorded somewhere else. It's true that "Gone with the Wind" might have been on Spotify, Apple Music, or any other music platforms that I provided.
From TheEastCut, 7/18/2023 11:50:58 AM:
Is it actually
From TheEastCut, 7/18/2023 2:45:59 PM:
No it isnt. “Die Deutsche Ubersetzung” means “The German Translation”
From theguycool, 7/18/2023 6:57:17 PM:
Is there a way to download this snippet?
From Bjohnson, 7/18/2023 11:53:55 PM:
Wow. Youtube put this in my algorithm today and I'm peeking through the looking glass too.
From TheEastCut, 7/19/2023 1:13:29 PM:
ATTENTION! The song has not been found. (Or at least I dont think so). As I have explained already, “Die Deutsche Ubersetzung” is a false lead. It means “The german translation” Gone with the wind does not yield any search results.
From Anonymous, 7/20/2023 5:40:16 PM:
As others said, I always make approximate guesses. We can't accept hoaxes or any cringy stuff. If you're curious, look at the release dates of the lost media.
From Cygnus, 7/24/2023 11:00:20 AM: The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet
From Cygnus, 7/24/2023 11:02:16 AM:
Whoever checked this as solved, could you uncheck it please?
From Lee, 7/25/2023 5:24:10 AM:
@gregmendel420 comments that he spoke to #StatuesinMotion keyboardist Billy Knight and it was a demo song in the eighties
From Morbid Mav, 7/26/2023 11:05:36 AM:
It sounds a hell of a lot like it was a demo or something by the British band "The Sinking Ships" from Lincolnshire, they released a few tracks in the early 80s and then broke up listen to this recently remastered live album from 1981:
See what I mean?
From Anonymous, 7/26/2023 3:10:20 PM:
It's widely believed that the synthesizer called "Yamaha DX7" is used, but it was released in 1983. In 1981, people used Moog or something else.
From Mikhail Sturgis, 7/26/2023 10:43:53 PM:
so it found??? gone with wind is song? ^_^
From Anonymous, 8/3/2023 2:13:11 PM:
In my opinion, the band members Andreas (singer) and Uwe (drummer) were the actual performers of this song. This demo was called "Subways". I hope the mystery will be solved. Anything is possible, there are endless possibilities.
From thefraud, 8/3/2023 11:43:22 PM:
From alive soul, 8/13/2023 10:50:57 AM:
dont identified, fix this
From hig, 8/14/2023 10:13:34 PM:
hi iam from Russia!!!!!!!,this song is a beautiful,an nastolgick
From giac, 8/17/2023 3:59:57 PM:
for the anonymous who says that the synth can be a moog, nope, the yamaha dx7 was the first synth that can do fm synthesis not analog synthesis, and we can clearly hear the fm modulation in the synth part
From Anonymous, 8/21/2023 4:12:08 PM:
I said the Yamaha DX7 had been used in this song during the recording attempt. The band Sinking Ships came before this song had been recorded in Germany. Anyways, Moog was discontinued in 1981.
From Cool saemi, 8/22/2023 2:11:22 PM:
I already know his name, his name is Giorgios Dalambiras, So finally the name of the song is known.
From Anonymous, 8/23/2023 9:29:21 AM:
Another supposed title of this song is "STATUES IN MOTION - SUBWAYS (1983 UNRELEASED)" Note that the singer sounds identical to Alvin Dean. It doesn't seem SIM wrote that song back in those years.
From zerogawa, 8/29/2023 12:18:00 PM:
i know who made this but i wont tell you.
From Ghost_of_past, 9/12/2023 6:19:47 AM:
Sadly... only the wind remained of this song.
From Anything, 9/19/2023 10:40:34 AM:
It feels weird to come back here and see where it all began
From Imacrab, 9/23/2023 7:54:49 AM:
Why does it say that the song is identified even though it isn't?
From Anonymous, 9/24/2023 12:12:34 PM:
Please look at the comments from the beginning. Many fakes, hoaxes, pretenders and false leads would pop up. This music isn't truly identified yet as I make approximate guesses that helps to solve the whole mystery in any way. The human brain provides endless ideas in a person's life.
From Anonymous, 9/24/2023 12:18:48 PM:
Once we do it, this song will be added to the music platforms. In addition, this is most likely to be a demo song, some of the copies of demo albums were lost somewhere else. Eventually, this demo tape was identified as "Subways". It was released sometime between 1983 and 1984.
From Jewtube, 9/25/2023 2:59:40 PM:
From StrangeNostaligc, 10/2/2023 8:26:16 PM:
Hey umm, I have a question because where it says if the song has already been identified or not, it says yes.
From rpeixot0, 10/4/2023 3:03:31 PM:
I love this song, I hope someone finds the singer
From Polybius 223, 10/15/2023 8:55:20 PM:
If we ever do find the artist, watch it be someone that’s really well known, and someone that no one would have ever guessed it to be, like Michael Jackson or Kenny Loggins lol
From mika, 10/18/2023 3:14:19 AM:
I eat children
From jarnP, 10/27/2023 7:22:12 AM:
Omg bad mika
From bluuue, 10/28/2023 9:10:11 AM:
after around 16 years, i finally found it guys
it's metallica - enter sandman
From Anonymous, 10/29/2023 2:02:09 PM:
I'm sorry, but I can't confirm your information. That was released in 1991, and this song is way softer than you've ever heard before. Nothing in this song sounds like Metallica.
From Ghostking, 10/29/2023 4:43:33 PM:
Sounds very familiar as in the 80s genre. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a garage band.
From monkeybars, 11/1/2023 10:33:47 AM:
I'd like to get to know Lydia.
From yoooo, 11/9/2023 6:46:33 PM:
Just leaving my mark here
From Ms. Penumbra, 11/13/2023 4:06:50 PM:
"All the secrets of the world worth knowing are hiding in plain sight."
From Bochen, 11/19/2023 2:48:27 PM:
Just leaving my "I was here when the search was going on"
From flixheff, 11/26/2023 5:49:20 PM:
ive been interested in lost songs like these, and based off of where the singers say the titles in songs in that genre, i feel like it might be called "subways of your mind" i may as well be wrong though
From Anonymous, 12/2/2023 3:55:27 PM:
Darius would have understood everything that radio DJ said, but it's possible that DJs couldn't tell the name and the artist of this song.
From Deiv, 12/9/2023 10:15:17 AM:
leaving my mark here
From bluuue, 12/9/2023 3:56:28 PM:
i'm back... and I found the song. after 16 years of waiting, here it is:
From Anonymous, 12/9/2023 3:58:29 PM:
but the video is literally the josh hutcherson meme, so..., fake
From radius80, 12/14/2023 3:15:16 AM:
this Italian new wave '80 band called Mono could be the author of the song because I think the singer's voice is very very similar
From scrap, 12/19/2023 3:09:58 PM:
I'm a person who loves a good internet hunt, based on the information I've found reading through this and many other things, the song's creator may never be found It seems like it was a demo played on the radio station that was then tossed I've found unknown songs before and if the audio is uploaded, that's as good as it may get. the song has been saved, someone out there probably the answer to this, but at least we can still listen to it
From luxsuii, 12/19/2023 4:53:00 PM:
idk what this song is
From Grziz, 1/12/2024 1:43:32 PM:
2024 and still not found :(
From Sundo The! (youtube), 1/18/2024 11:02:17 PM:
man this is so lost media that I can't tell
Admin note: I'm tired of moderating the continuous spam being posted here. Deleting 10-20 offensive, pornographic or otherwise unrelated comments every day is not what I am here for. Because you guys can't police yourselves and behave, for now I've disabled the commenting functionality altogether. We'll see if we can come up with a better system in future.