unknown song comments

Date Added: 4/3/2008
Added By: Nico
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From Nico, 4/3/2008 8:45:33 AM:

Hi there!

This song showed up a while back, but I'm unable now to locate it now and find out if it was solved...

Please could anybody tell me what this is? I would be grateful forever!

Thanks in advance!!

From Mike, 4/6/2008 10:07:46 PM:

Great song.

From Nico, 4/8/2008 5:29:24 AM:

No luck until now, could anybody at least reproduce the lyrics? My english is limited and given that the quality is bad it's very hard to me to understand...

From Nico, 4/8/2008 12:49:03 PM:

As I posted the clip on other forums, finally I've been lucky enough to receive an aswer, so I solve my own riddle here for everybody else, just in case others might be interested.

It's THE ESCAPE - CLOSER from the cd album AMARYLLIS dated 1997. So it was 80s sounding, but 90s indeed...

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