I used to have this great song on VHS tape, and now it's gone. Don't know who the artist was nor the song title. All I remember is the song was fairly simple, mid to late 80's very electronic and slow and the word 'International' was sung over and over and something about 'China White'. If you know this song, you are a genius and I will buy you gems! (maybe)
Thanks... Chandler
From Paul Miceli, 12/26/2008 5:45:13 PM:
"International" by Thomas Leer ?
From Chandler, 12/26/2008 10:04:02 PM:
Holy crap that was fast! That's the song! You sir, are a genius! You have no idea how many hours of google serches I have done to no avail....I should have come here first! I actually thought it Henry Badowski that sung it! Thank you thank you thank you! I um, have no gems for you, but I would buy you a meal if the opportunity presented itself.
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