unknown song comments

Date Added: 7/19/2009
Added By: Effigy
Identified: Not Yet!

From Effigy, 7/19/2009 8:10:17 PM:

Thought of another title in search of an artist -

"I'm dying with flies on my face". Played pretty often by Mr. Marsden.

As always, Thanks!

From Smithers-Jones, 8/15/2009 2:07:44 PM:

Might possibly be Pukka Orchestra "Flys (Big As Your Fist) from their classic debut album? This was a staple from the 80's on CFNY.

From Effigy, 8/15/2009 2:46:01 PM:

Thanks for the reply, but it's not the Pukkas (I've got both their LPs).

The Dying with files on my face song repeats that line several times (the chorus, perhaps) and ends with the coda:
"Jesus loves me, this I know, that's why he lets me die so slow."

From Oh my God, it's so familiar., 6/20/2011 8:41:22 PM:

Goodness, I've googled for 10 minutes and can't find it. I remember this song so well. It won a CFNY contest for best homegrown song of around 1982. Some of the lyrics were "And he might not make it this year, and we'll throw dirt on his face, and I'll go to work, take his place". Then comes the line "Jesus loves me this I know, 'cause he let's me die so slow". A very powerful song, sung in a drunken voice, very poignant. Someone must remember the singer!

From Mixed them up, 6/20/2011 8:59:32 PM:

I was thinking of Me Dad, which is also by Nobby Glegg. I thought the Dying With Flies On My Face lyric was a part of that song, but apparently not, according to:


Here is a link to the Me Dad video.


From Dave Myrvold, 12/10/2012 5:00:43 PM:

Nobby Clegg & The Civilians

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