unknown song comments

Date Added: 10/16/2009
Added By: cooper.clark
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From cooper.clark, 10/16/2009 5:49:36 AM:

now a longer voice part, the first cut was to short, sorry.

From andy, 6/30/2010 10:11:32 PM:

sounds like German Zick Zack label very early 80s...

From andy, 11/17/2011 5:04:40 AM:

Found ... that's a very obscure one from the beginnings of German punk underground...


Gruft - "Gedanken sind frei"
(band name changed to "Beerdigung" later)

From cooper.clark, 11/17/2011 10:31:53 AM:

wowww!!! thx, danke, merci, gracias :o)

From andy, 11/18/2011 2:33:15 PM:

I also have to thank Mr. Schornak for putting up these lyrics and thus making them google-able.
Thanks bud - and good luck to your "Gruft revival", too!

From Bernhard Schornak, 12/22/2016 6:08:49 PM:

The revival still is pending, but there's more info at the ('official') blog http://gruft-beerdigung.blogspot.de/ (partially in English)...

Greetings from Augsburg
Bernhard Schornak

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