This was a silly song about a PLUMBER. All I remember was a bouncy rhythm and "Mister Plumber Plumber" Only heard it on CFNY in the 80's.
From Dave Myrvold, 11/7/2009 6:19:55 AM:
Workforce - The Plumber
From ivano stolf, 11/13/2009 12:27:30 AM:
Thanks alot Dave!!!!
This song was bugging me for a long time and then I found this web site. I hoped I could find my answer here and I did thanks to you.
I was wondering if we all could compile a list of funny/quirky songs. I know a few... 1) Toast 2) I wanna be a cowboy 3) Particle Man 4) Think pink 5) Spadina Bus 6) Wot. Anything from anybody?
From Jackie, 11/14/2009 10:21:26 PM:
the song you refer to as "Think Pink" is actually called "The Pink City Twist"
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