unknown song comments

Date Added: 3/28/2003
Added By: john cotterell
Identified: Yes!   

From john cotterell, 3/28/2003 8:54:55 PM:

I'm looking for the knobby cleg song "my old man's a joke" working for the company, and they laugh at him,what a piece of human waste, he aint alive but he aint dead yet smoing "pipe dried" cigarettes three cheers for my old man

From audiofool, 4/3/2003 9:18:22 PM:

John - I don't know if this was ever released on vinyl. I think it was a demo tape, but I have seen it from time to time on some of the file sharing networks. I may still have a recording of it somewhere... email me at [email protected] for more info.

From Scott, 6/15/2003 9:52:55 PM:

I too have been in search of this song for a very long time. If you ever find it please email it to [email protected] Thank You !

From Andrew, 10/4/2007 11:26:23 PM:

Try YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij4LqTcWKus

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