unknown song comments

Date Added: 12/3/2010
Added By: Traci Clevers
Identified: Yes!   

From Traci Clevers, 12/3/2010 5:14:13 PM:

Song lyrics "This is the real world, uh huh" - Circa 1993/1994 - It sounds kind of like School of Fish or The The, but don't think so. Lyrics also include "Welcome to the real world" - NOT John Mayer, or anything else that comes up if you Google it. This was played on Vancouver radio in 93/94 era. It gets stuck in my head, 15 years later. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

From Matt, 12/5/2010 11:30:49 PM:

Could it be by R.A.I.L. TEC? It's a local Toronto band that a friend of mine used to play in.

I'mm 99% sure that's it.

From Matt, 12/5/2010 11:37:22 PM:


From Traci, 12/6/2010 3:11:50 PM:

Hi, Matt. Thanks SO much. I wish I could find a sample to confirm that it is it, although everything sounds correct. Do you happen to still be in contact with your friend that used to play in the band? I found the cd at a company in Germany, but would much rather purchase it from the artist themselves if I could find a link or contact. I wonder if they would appreciate knowing they wrote a music hook that was so memorable that a girl in the States has it stuck in her head 15 years later. :) Thanks, very much, again.

From James, 1/2/2011 9:28:46 PM:


Merry Christmas....Glad I could give you this gift....

Copy and paste and download:

From Traci, 1/7/2011 4:02:20 PM:

Thank you so much, James. I also ordered the cd. So glad to hear the song, again. Thanks, again. Have a wonderful day!

From Jas Campbell, 4/22/2013 10:36:09 AM:

It is the song "Welcome To The Real World" By Rail TEC, released back in 1993. In case you are wondering, the album Never Coming Down was rereleased by the band on iTunes July 21, 2012. You can also find a bunch of songs on SoundCloud including remixes that were B-Sides of singles and not included in any album .... Might see if we can get them added as bonus tracks on NEver Coming Down. Cheers!

Jas Campbell

From Jas Campbell, 4/22/2013 10:44:02 AM:

Hey Traci - thanks for the kind words about our song. Glad it stuck with you :) It's always amazing to hear from people that our music meant something to them. Thank you!!

From Traci, 4/22/2013 11:25:48 AM:

You're welcome Jas. Still listen to it all the time. Long live the music. And Matt, hope all is going well with you. :)

From Matt, 4/22/2013 8:47:55 PM:

Yep, all is well. I messaged Jas this morning and brought this link to his attention. Glad you're still enjoying the album. I may be a bit biased, but it's a fave of mine.

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