unknown song comments

Date Added: 4/22/2003
Added By: crashNburn
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From crashnburn, 4/22/2003 11:12:51 AM:

Another early 90s tune
I believe that maybe this has something to do with space
the chorus is either 'planet' 'plan 8' or 'plan A'
any help always appreciated


From Bill, 5/3/2003 1:07:39 AM:

I'd swear it was M+M, but if it's from the early '90s, then my guess is off by a few years...

From RON, 8/6/2003 2:02:12 AM:

could it be early CAB. VOLTAIRE

From Superfecta, 8/10/2003 12:01:20 AM:

The voice sounds A LOT like Rick Boston of Hand Of Fate/Low Pop Suicide....

From http://www.noyou.net, 8/21/2003 5:17:45 AM:

To me it sounds a lot like the band Leisure Process. Listen to their song "Love Cascade", and I think you'll agree.

From Cynthia, 10/15/2007 10:13:56 AM:

Pat Travers - Crash & Burn (1982)

From Cynthia, 10/15/2007 10:15:37 AM:

It's from the "Flash Gordon" Album in 1982. Glad to help! :-)

From CRashNBurn, 8/12/2010 6:41:43 AM:

Still looking for any help as this song was never identified. Thanks

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