unknown song comments

Date Added: 3/21/2020
Added By: deliriosity
Identified: Yes!   

From deliriosity, 3/21/2020 2:21:57 AM:

On a cassette recorded off of Washington DC's WHFS late night around Feb 1984, I've listened to a song that's like socialist post-punk, with lines: "workers don't dance - workers sweat", "hit-hit-hit - this is the workman's goosestep", and a repeated line "another 125,000 years". Accents are not obvious, but the subject matter seems more British. Early industrial type sound with guitars, reminds of Thomas Dolby a bit. Plays between Talking Heads "Girlfriend Is Better" and beginning of Fad Gadget's "Love Parasite" but tape cuts off before the radio songs announcement.

From Josef Wurzel, 7/26/2020 2:53:19 PM:

Song most likely is called "Kowalski - Workers"

Kowalski by a german group and i only found
the german version of it but the lyrics are analogous


From deliriosity, 7/29/2020 10:38:17 PM:

That's it! The lyrics are indeed analogous, thanks Josef for jumping over the language barrier to find this!

Nice live performance, cutting edge sound for the early 80s. The recorded album track is also on YT, and it seems to be the exact backing track for the English lyrics. No English version on YT, but there are vinyl singles of the English version for sale online.

Danke sch�n f�r Ihre Sprachbr�cke!

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