Alright you ny gurus,here's one for ya. I apologize in advance for my lyricosis as I'm not exactly sure what all of the words are.It's a guy talking/singing. Here goes:Faxa? Europa free range,uh free range. It's was played in the early 90's but it may be a bit older. TIA Aaron
From audiofool, 9/17/2003 7:15:53 AM:
Calculon - Back in 1981 Tangerine Dream released their "Exit" album. One of the tracks, Kiew Mission, had a voice over reciting"....Africa, Europa, Australia.... etc etc etc".
If you go here: , there's a song sample posted there.
I don't know if this is it, but it's all that comes to mind.... hope it helps.
From audiofool, 9/17/2003 7:25:58 AM:
sorry, that should be "KIEV Mission"..... I was having a bad 'spell'.... :)
From Calculon, 9/22/2003 2:34:05 PM:
Hey audiofool, I checked on your link but the sample of kiew mission doesn't have any lyrics,d'oh! I don't think that's it but I'd have to hear the lyrics to be sure. Thanks for trying to help. I'm remembering more of the song as well. In the same way the singer snarls"free range" he also snarls "no one!"
From audiofool, 9/22/2003 7:30:54 PM:
Aaron - The lyrics that I put in the earlier post are pretty much it.. the voice sounds like a female Russian/slavic affected accent...but this doesn't sound like it's the song you're looking for.... dang !
From figured it out, Thanks Maie, 9/25/2003 3:01:44 PM:
Well, Thanks to Maie Pauts the song I have been looking for is "Free Range" by The Fall This site rules!
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