unknown song comments

Date Added: 10/7/2003
Added By: Dan Coogan
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Identified: Not Yet!

From Dan Coogan, 10/7/2003 2:59:16 AM:

Well I know this song has been posted before, but of course the 3 month time limit has passed. Here are the links to previous comments on the song and again, I hope someone can figure it out as it's a great song that we need to know the name and artist of.


Originally posted on this site here

From Janice, 10/9/2003 7:43:06 PM:

All I can say is I think it is Canadian -- I vaguely remember this song but can't give you the band name. Sorry!

From David, 10/11/2003 4:42:19 PM:

Canadian eh, that would be a hoot, all us "Canucks" missing this one too!! (Remember Story Structure!!!)

From David, 10/24/2003 6:57:02 PM:


I'm afraid there isn't enough interest in this song to figure it out. Like you, I desparately want to know who does this song, but I don't think the group is Canadian. I've spent hours searching everything I can think of to try to figure this one out but no luck. (I've even e-mailed the link to DJ's to see if somebody would recognize it)


From Dan Coogan, 10/24/2003 7:05:32 PM:

I even emailed Iva Davies (on 10/7/03) from the band Icehouse http://icehouse-iva.com -- I never got a reply though. I think it sounds a lot like Icehouse and figured he might know, even if it's not them --- musicians listen to other bands (just like photographers look at other photographers work in admiration/respect).

I love this song and hope that someone will recognize it.


From geoffolehane, 3/31/2005 8:10:26 PM:

I keep thinking it's Peter Murphy. That's immediatly what I think of when I hear this clip.

From ditzoid, 11/15/2013 10:58:55 PM:

This has been id in a later post as Johann Lindell - On The Roof, 1985. There are several clips on YouTube.

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