Hey I have been looking for this song....could you plz...plz...email me two songs of this album: 1.Habiba 2.I need your love Plz..my email add is [email protected]
From Vrinda, 3/8/2004 8:10:34 AM:
Does anyone happen to have an mp3 of this song, or of the razormaid mix of it? I've got half of some version of it on tape from when i was younger, and can't find a copy anywhere really, short of spending a lot of money online for something, and i don't even know if it will then have the right version. if anyone has anything, please email me: [email protected]
From John M., 5/20/2004 10:56:57 PM:
LMAO I just found this record yesterday in my basement. I gues i need to dust it off. there was a razormaid? I should know that, i think i have a mostly complete vinal razormaid collection.
From arthur, 7/24/2009 12:35:32 PM:
hi my name is Arthur and i am looking for the entire album of BAPPI LAHIRI'S "HABIBA" BY VENUS the album has 8 songs please let me know if you have it i appreciate MY EMAIL [email protected]
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