I'm looking for a song that I heard often on CFNY in the mid-late 80's, and usually on on a Saturday night.
The chorus was "my name is poison", and the song was half-sung, half chanted by a deranged sounding woman. The music was a grinding, droning rhythm.
Any help is much appreciated!
From Paul Miceli, 11/6/2003 10:26:45 PM:
Hi Steph,
That is Poison By The Weathermen.
From Steph Quinlan, 11/6/2003 11:09:47 PM:
Thanks Paul!
I've been trying to find that song for years.
From Scott, 11/7/2003 12:15:34 PM:
Geez Paul, give us other guys a chance at answering one, at least once in a while!! :) You let this one sit for almost two minutes before answering it. :)
From Gina, 11/7/2003 3:46:06 PM:
I have that burnt to CD if you can't find it.
From Paul Miceli, 11/8/2003 12:54:09 AM:
Hi Scott,
Got lucky with this one, was reposting another song, and steph had just posted the lyrics for the Weathermen song.
We have some tough new tracks that were just posted.
From Steph Quinlan, 11/8/2003 4:23:48 PM:
Hey Gina,
I just found it on Soul Seek, but thanks for the offer. :)
From edda, 3/26/2004 2:55:04 PM:
From jimmyjoe snark III, 8/12/2004 5:46:41 AM:
hi all,
well, if you enjoy The Weathermen, we have set up a website with most of our back ctalog to dnl FOR FREE. The mp3's are 192 kbs....
try www.theweathermen.net
we also have a new album out, just now. In the USA it's available thru www.cdbaby.com/weathermen
ciao ! JJS III
From SHOKI, 1/14/2006 5:00:57 AM:
JEEZ!!! I have been racking my brain since the late 80's trying to remember who that damned song was by, too!! HA! HA! It takes the age of file sharing and the internet to finally bring it home!! Oh, man..!!! And I'm a total pit of useless 80's alternative trivia. That's the sad part. Oh, well...Can't be perfect all the time!
Thanks all y'all and Paul!!! -shoki- http://www.FUGUESTATES.COM
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