unknown song comments

Date Added: 11/20/2003
Added By: Jackie
Identified: Yes!   

From Jackie, 11/20/2003 4:08:30 PM:

Scott, don't delete me, I'm desperate, and if they played this on Coast1040 in Vanc, they probably played it on CFNY back then too:

Hi all. I�m trying to find a song and it�s proving to be almost impossible. ANY help from you would be immensely appreciated.

Things I know about the song:

I THOUGHT it was Red Sector 1 and I THOUGHT the band name was �Mad Doctor�. However, continuous searches in all available resources are coming up completely blank. Therefore, I�m thinking I have the band name wrong�. and probably the song name wrong too, seeing as any searches for �Mad Doctor� also don�t bring forth any fruit of the flavour I am seeking!

They used to play it on Coast1040 in Vancouver around 1991/1992 (this was an alternative station at the time). It was pretty popular.

I saw the band live on Hallowe�en in Vancouver in 1992 at �the Rage�. I remember when they played the song, they were behind a backlit curtain for the first bit and one of the guys was wearing a hug

From Jackie, 11/21/2003 6:49:03 PM:

I saw the band live on Hallowe�en in Vancouver in 1992 at �the Rage�. I remember when they played the song, they were behind a backlit curtain for the first bit and one of the guys was wearing a huge head with a pointy nose and making like a mad doctor cutting someone up.

No, I don�t know any lyrics, and I can�t remember how it goes. I just remember I used to love it and really want to find it so I can see if I still love it!!

If anyone comes up with this, I will be extremely amazed, but still, I hold out hope!


answer here or email to [email protected] (remove NOSPAM).


From Jackie, 11/21/2003 6:50:38 PM:

just to clarify, cuz I see I was on drugs when I wrote this the first time:
I thought the band name was "RED SECTOR 1" and I thought the SONG name was "Mad Doctor". Sorry for any confusion.
any of you lyric gurus have ANY idea at all. It was probably along the same genre as Utah Saints, One Dove, etc.
sigh...it's hopeless isn't it? :-(

From John..., 11/21/2003 8:09:35 PM:

Do you know if it was a band from the UK or US/Canada.

Was it all synths, or were there guitars mixed in.

From Jackie, 11/21/2003 8:11:06 PM:

gadzooks, I wish I knew. I'm pretty sure the band was actually from Vancouver. I could swear to god it was Red Sector 1, but I just can't find anything from that year from them. I think it was all synths, cuz I don't remember an actual guitar player on stage...
thanks for taking an interest...

From John..., 11/21/2003 8:27:29 PM:

dont know if this is the band, but they are from Vanvouver..

Red sector 1--Vancouver-area Synth Band


From Jackie, 11/21/2003 8:28:57 PM:

yes, I know there IS a band named Red Sector 1. However, am thinking that the song I'm looking for is not by them, as I can't find anything from them for before 1994...and I saw them live in 1992 and heard them often on the radio before that. THANKS tho!!

From Cory, 12/9/2003 1:57:30 PM:

Have you looked into "Moev"? They're out of Vancouver, I believe...some synthy music with some guitars and male vocals. Red Sector 1, in my opinion, is more 'synthipop' sounding...Moev has a harder edge to them. They're album called "Head Down" came out about 1992'ish, and has some really cool synth songs on it. Try out they're fan page.


From JaeBee, 12/9/2003 2:00:38 PM:

Thanks. It's not Moev. I appreciate the response.


From Nathaniel Hebert, 1/30/2006 9:47:34 PM:

Hey, I came by this thread by doing a similar google search... Alas, you're not mad, as I'm sitting here with a cassette single in my possession, by "Red Sector 1", with a song entitled "Dr. Mad". Catchy synth-pop tune, lyrics referencing "a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down"...

This single seems to have been put out by a Gargoyle Records, in Vancoucer, 1992. Produced by James Bowers, with a number than may well be out of service, (604) 266-4496.

I've always tried to trace the origins of this tune, when I came across the single back in '96... The only time I've heard it before, was in an episode of Kids in the Hall, the tune playing as a backdrop to some fetish-esque, wavey club.

Hope this helps!


From Jackie, 1/30/2006 10:16:04 PM:

Hey Nathaniel, dunno if you'll see this again or not and would email you direct if I knew your addy, but I did wind up finding it after all, thru our dear friends at Gemm.com!! I have the full album (which, incidentally ain't so great) and the song wound up being a minor disappointment to me! In any case, I think they stopped promoting or even MENTIONING this album, cuz it appears to be their first out of the gate, and then after that they went all Christian Rock, so I guess singing about the subject matter in the first album didn't really match up with their settled-upon image! But THANKS for the response, really appreciate it.

From Livewire, 2/6/2006 9:51:12 PM:

The album was not so good, but Dr. Mad was quite excellent. They released a remix album shortly after which was called something like Red Sector 1 Remix 93: Must Be a Sign of the Times, which I have never been able to put my hands on. The remix EP has an outstanding remix of the album track Tale.

After that, Clarke left the bank and Andrew Bufante joined and took up the vocals and lyric writing. Their first venture into Jesus-pop did actually get some radio play on Z95, Vancouver's top-40 pablum station. I'm pretty sure that David Marsden was at Z95 in some capacity at the time, which would explain that.

From Jackie, 2/7/2006 1:01:51 AM:

Hey Livewire.. you DO know about Gemm.com yes? cuz if you think you can't find something 'anywhere', I'd bet dollars to donuts you CAN find it there. I've never EVER been able to stump them (and its where I got the album of Red Sector 1 with Doctor Mad on it ultimately).

try it, I think you'll find an addiction you never knew you had! ;-)

From Jenna, 4/12/2006 8:20:11 AM:

I remember a song called hope in your eyes. What ever happened to those guys?

From Mike Davis, 2/10/2010 2:24:51 AM:

The band that you are all talking about Red Sector 1. We Havent done anything for years but possibly in the future we may be putting out some new stuff. Now if anybody would like downloads of the last 3 albums, leave your message of where I can send it to. And I will send you downloads.

From Jackie, 2/10/2010 2:28:51 AM:

Thanks Mike, if you'll see by the first comment I kinda knew that was the band name. I swear to god I saw you guys play at a halloween bash in Vancouver in the late 80s or early 90s.. there was some strange big headed guy with what might have been a chainsaw or machete behind a shadowed sheet.. that's the song I was looking for. I could swear it was called Mad Doctor or Doctor Mad, but after finding the song on CD I'm doubtful I was right, because it doesn't make me go "ah ha!"... any ideas what that song was called? And yes, I'd love a copy. short of announcing my email address here in a public forum, how can I get that to you?

thanks tons

From Admin, 2/10/2010 7:46:03 AM:

Mike, email me at [email protected] and I'll hook you up with Jackie.

From John, 2/11/2010 10:54:25 PM:

try here:


From Traci, 12/3/2010 5:06:49 PM:

I've also been trying to find a Red Sector One song for years. I don't think this is the tune I'm thinking of...there was another one from circa 1993 that I used to love. It's not on the Myspace page. Mike, if you ever read this, were there any songs from that era that aren't on the Myspace page? It would have been played on Coast or Z maybe in a "block" from a "live club night." Thanks to Mark Bignall for sending me in this direction. Am I correct in remembering that for a while that Red Sector One changed names to International Distress Signal?

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