unknown song comments

Date Added: 11/26/2003
Added By: steve williams
Identified: Yes!   

From steve, 11/26/2003 10:31:31 PM:

These are the best lyrics I have,so mad I lost my tape. 4/4 time, about the speed of REM'sFall on me song.
"He works all day brings home the bacon,
he hasn't got the time for making her feel like she
wants to feeee-ull (feel)
She works all day ---missing lyrics here, but same number of bars as above)
Reality comes from the TV screen, where passion is not a dream
To every household,
and every kitchen (?)
as every housewife brings to a boil ?????-???????

Thats all I have, thanks

From Metal Mike, 11/27/2003 1:18:00 PM:

Male or female singer? Guitars or synthesisers?

From steve, 11/27/2003 1:45:57 PM:

thanks for asking Mike, its a male singer, emphasis is on the vocals, drum beat and bass line, guitar and synth both, but in the background. I heard the song around 1985-86, taped it off WUEC Univ. of EauClaire Wisconsin, college station, no song I.D. at the time, had the tape all these years just waiting for some way to get the tape to someone to listen to, and wouldn't you know I have misplaced it.
Thanks for trying. steve

From Rick, 11/29/2003 2:10:31 PM:

There isn't a lot of information here but maybe Dream Kitchen by Frasier Chorus.

From spot778, 12/22/2003 3:15:53 PM:

Very similar lyrics in Devo's Mongoloid, especially that bringing home the bacon.

From steve, 1/1/2004 4:58:13 PM:

Thanks for those new tips, I will check those out, not sure about Devo, too melodic I think, perhaps that Frasier Chorus. Thanks again. steve

From steve, 1/15/2004 7:55:13 PM:

wasnt Frasier chorus, will keep trying.

From duh - google, 7/26/2005 7:31:00 PM:


From steve, 7/29/2005 10:39:21 PM:

Thats IT!! cant believe someone looked this far back in the list and answer this thread. Thank you ! ,DUH , what is the band called? cant determine it by the names Hooper/Kane/Hooper. Doesnt ring a bell. thanks, steve

From Livewire, 2/6/2006 8:48:27 PM:

In the interest of completeness, and in case the Geocities fan page goes down, this was Self Abuse by The Grapes of Wrath.

From steve, 2/8/2006 9:40:15 AM:

yes, thanks again. I have bought the CD and love it. great website to have around.

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