unknown song comments

Date Added: 5/18/2004
Added By: Ximo
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From Ximo, 5/19/2004 5:25:54 AM:

This song is around 1986-1987

From 5440, 6/1/2004 5:14:21 PM:

From Matt at http://www.torchomatic.com/forums


The second Track is Council Houses by Howard Hughes and The Western Approaches (The B-Side of Buffalo Bill). Howard played Keyboards for the Associates on the Perhaps album.

From ximo, 6/2/2004 3:51:57 AM:

A lot of thanks to 5440 and Matt.

All the people in the Spirit of radio are great.

From easyoar, 10/15/2007 7:19:38 PM:

Whilst Matt above is absolutely correct to say that the track is "Council Houses by Howard Hughes and The Western Approaches", he is actually wrong to say it is the B side of Buffalo Bill [catalog 12 ABS 041]. The track is actually on the B-side of "West of the Pecos" catalog no. "12 ABS 039" and is the second B-side track after "The Westerner". Both singles are on Abstract Records and from 1986.

In 1988 Howard Hughes and the Western Approaches had signed to E.G. Records.

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