Memorable lyrics, easy to search on, but I haven't been able to find any information on this song.
Anyone remember this song?
From Dave Myrvold, 11/3/2002 3:27:12 PM:
Artist - Nine Big Dogs Title - Dougey's Lament CD - Bite! 1991 Spy/A&M Deleted
From Debra, 11/4/2002 1:15:37 PM:
Hey! Thanks so much. I have been trying to figure that out for a very long time now. I never expected sucha fast response. :)
From Mike, 1/2/2003 3:45:00 PM:
I can't believe it! I have been looking for this song since 1991. It was my theme song for that summer. Thanks alot.
From Jen, 1/19/2003 6:41:11 PM:
Alan Cross did a segment on that song for the History of New Music Archives. I've been singing it ever since. Any one know where I can find the lyrics or tablature?? thanks!
From Debra, 1/20/2003 3:49:14 PM:
Found the mp3 at a site called, after a fair amount of searching. The site hosts other Nine Big Dogs mp3s as well. Unfortunately (at least when I tried the site), the mp3s were not of optimal quality.
From Jen, 1/21/2003 4:29:21 PM:
I'll try that site...What I really need are the lyrics and the guitar licks. Thanks for your help Debra.
From Rianne, 1/22/2003 10:24:22 AM:
i heard this song on the history of new music too... and i have been trying to find out what it is for the longest time... i tried down loading it from Kazaa but the search comes up with no results...
i'd also like the lyrics to this song
From Susan, 2/26/2003 10:23:13 PM:
I found the CD at a music store in Canada, unfortunately they dont ship to the US. Anyone live in Ontario, Canada that could pick it up? Post a response and I will let you know where it is.
From Dan, 3/11/2003 11:01:34 AM:
I'm in Toronto, Ontario and can pick it up.
From Rianne, 3/20/2003 1:49:50 PM:
Hey, i'm also in Ontario close to Toronto... what's the name of the CD and any other helpful details?
From Dan, 3/24/2003 7:32:00 PM:
The name of the cd is Bite. I haven't found the cd online, and the one match I had found for the cassette no longer lists it.
From Amanda, 5/1/2004 4:42:29 PM:
This song makes me feel young again. Really. I remember listening to it in the summer of '91. I would of been 11. Some of the lyrics went over my head at that time, but boy did I remember that song!
From Ori, 5/4/2004 6:09:38 PM:
OMG! Funniest song ever, I've been looking for it for weeks, thanks to this site I found it... muchos gracias!
From fobner, 2/5/2005 11:41:55 PM:
that's a great band. Too bad they're not together any more (haven't been for years). Couple other songs they had that kicked butt were Nobody Likes A Pessimist and they redid that old Tennesse Ernie Ford sond 16 Tons.
From Brother John, Brother John, 4/6/2006 3:37:28 PM:
Hi folks. ... it's pretty cool seeing people still interested in an awesome album that was never given much support by it's label. A little help on the background might help the 'lookers'. Nine Big Dogs was out of Hamilton, ON. were only together 2 years, main songwriters were Alex Bako, Lead vocal and Mike Daley, Lead Guitar, various instruments. Mike is still very active musically and has a current blog. U may be able to find the CD through Mike..:)
From farmer jon, 7/10/2006 12:11:07 AM:
holy shit after years of searching...!! thanks everyone, another Torontonian with a fragmented memory of a hilarious song. I always thought it was Donovan
From Colin, 10/18/2006 11:29:11 PM:
I can't believe this song has been in my head for years and all along the answer was right here! Wow I must still be feeling the effects of all the stuff I used to do, and I still do and used to too!
From Rob, 3/13/2007 4:43:25 PM:
If anyone can get me a copy of that CD, I would be willing to pay for it with interest!! I had the album on tape (didn't have a cd player back in '91) and it busted. Please let me know if can get it!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!
From Jeremy, 5/12/2007 3:50:24 AM:
I went to college with the lead singer, Alex Bako. We were in the Television Broadcasting program at Mohawk College in Hamilton. He used to play that tune at parties, before it actually got recorded (I guess you could call it the 'unplugged' version). It was a great song to hear, but even more entertaining to see performed (Alex was quite a character). As I recall he had this really odd acoustic guitar. Kinda looked like an oversized mandolin. Anyways, sorry for rambling. Thought you might like to hear a few comments from a guy who got wasted a few times with the guy who did the song.
From Greg, 5/12/2007 8:07:13 PM:
Wow. This discussion board takes me back. I was the drummer in Nine Big Dogs. As far as I know the CDs and cassettes are long out of print. If anyone wanted to get a hold of Mp3s they can email me at [email protected]. Great times and a lot of fun memories!
From Mike, 5/22/2007 10:31:33 PM:
Hey Greg,
I still play that old bass I used to play in those gigs with Nine Big Dogs at X-Rays and the best gig I remember was the one we played at the Underdog.
Today at A&W, where I cook eggs and bacon and flip burgers, I was performing "Bearfeet" for my co-workers. They thought I was making it up on the spot.
Anyway, if anyone wants CD's try to find our roadie and sound man; he bought a whole box of CD's and t-shirts before one of our last gigs.
From Dean, 1/23/2008 8:57:35 AM:
Can't beleive this post is still active since Nov '02... anyway I still have this CD. If someone wants a copy let me know. Email me at c r o u c h e r 1 0 @ y a h o o dot com (no spaces). Make sure you reference Nine Big Dogs or Dougie's Lament in the Header.
From Michele, 3/3/2008 4:51:23 PM:
No luck finding the song on limewire either. Thanks for the tips. I would love to get a copy.
From Jeremiah McCaw Budnark, 5/13/2008 2:34:38 AM:
Amazing. Alex showed up and did that song this past evening (May 12) at the SOFGA (Southern Ontario Fingerstyle Guitar Assoc) open mic session at Hamilton's Pheasant Plucker pub. Damn near as funny as the feature (Wendell Ferguson) and that be high praise indeed!
From Uncle Rameau, 5/22/2008 9:12:10 AM:
Saw Nine Big Dogs at the 'wick in London, back in the day, after hearing them on CBC (Gaberau?)
Loaned my tape to someone a few years ago... bad move. I need to get this on my ipod.
Glad to hear Alex is still as charismatic as ever.
From cm, 5/30/2008 5:09:34 AM:
Does anyone have a scan of the cover of Bite?
From Beth, 8/10/2008 4:30:49 PM:
Wow... years and years of history.. Alex was my room-mate for a long time.. the band practiced in my living room LOL.. i've been trying to get ahold of alex for years.. i misssss that big hungarian !!! not sure if the powers that be on this site would let me post an email address to be passed along to him if anyone sees him.. so i will wait to see if i get a response about that :)
From Wendy Burmister Downey, 9/21/2008 9:49:58 PM:
I have been trying to track Alex down too. I met him when he was performing with the Toy Town Troupers. I was actually listening to 'Bite' in my car on the way home! Alex! Are you out there!!
From Fobner, 12/13/2008 3:37:30 AM:
Wow... this discussion goes on and on for years! lol Alex and Mike should think about a re-release with a more competent label. Alot more people know and love their songs than maybe they realize. I mentioned a couple other songs in my last post.... others that I really loved from that album: Aluminum Condominium, one I don't recall the title, but started with "hey you, come here, would you like to buy a watch from me?".... great tune. I learned Bearfeet and Dougies Lament on acoustic. Both were huge fav's at the campfires along the Grand River. I have a buddy that does some amazing guitar fills for those songs. Not as good as the original, but still gets them singing along and puts a smile on everyone's faces.
A real shame they didn't get the exposure they deserved. A solid band, great sound. At the time, they were one of the freshest indie bands I'd ever heard.
From Marc Bertrand, 12/14/2008 6:29:10 PM:
Nine Big Fans and members! What are the odds I find this message board today?
Well I'm simply taken back by all the comments and the continued interest in the band. It's amazing!
I'm a close friend of Alex Bako and am currently putting together a Music Myspace page for Alex that will feature his Nine Big Dogs work, his current material, and any other relevant music information.
It'll be fully up and running in the coming weeks, and will contain lyrics and information on the songs (And maybe the demos!). We'll work on getting tabs on there from Alex himself (Dougie's Lament is a little more complicated then you think!) but feel free to stop by and get a friend request and leave Alex a message!
I will pass along the messages here to Alex on the morrow.
As for the music itself, Myspace only allows a 6 song limit, so feel free to e-mail me at
for any Nine Big Dog MP3's. I will be uploading 6 Nine Big Dogs s
From Marc Bertrand, 12/14/2008 6:32:38 PM:
songs to Myspace and allow downloading. If you're interested in having them on CD, I may be able to whip up something on a burned CD and have Alex sign it for you!
Comments, questions or anything for Alex or his site can be sent to the e-mail above or, even better if you have Myspace!, posted on the site!
From Joe Muller, 10/15/2009 10:44:53 PM:
Geeze, Greg and Mike (and on): yeah, I still have some CDs and cassettes (and a T - think I got rid of the poster finally). Time flies! Try me via [email protected]...
From Alex Bako a.k.a. Duff Mivers, 11/14/2009 6:13:29 AM:
So that�s what happens when you google yourself. I�m very touched, really. I lost my mind some years ago only to discover that it was never really all there to begin with. It�s been difficult for me to reach out to old friends. I can�t really explain it, except to say that I�m ashamed and if you�re out there, I really do miss you all. Greg and the 2 Mikes and Joe and Tim and Jeremy and Beth and I always wanted to have sex with Wendy because I just knew that she would be really good at it. I�m trying to work up the guts to come out of retirement�I�ve got another album in me just itching to bust out. I�m finally getting to be a decent guitar player, though I�m no Mike Daley. I could pull off a good opening solo act, but I�m not ready to carry a whole night. I�ll post any upcoming gig on this page if I get one. I haven�t got the my-space thing figured out yet but thanks to my good friend Marc Bertand posted above for keeping a vigil. I can be reached at [email protected]
From Steve, 12/14/2009 9:55:21 PM:
I used to fix Beth's computer :) And I met my wife at Beth's house wedding in '92 after Drew convinced her to crash the party. Drew lent me his copy of Bite! on cassette years ago so I could turn it into MP3s for us but I lost the files - thanks Marc for putting it up on Myspace!
Always loved Dougie's Lament since I first heard it on CFNY. Alex - be great to see you get that album "busted out" as you say :)
From Tim Hopkins, 12/23/2009 12:55:52 AM:
Hey, Alex. Great to read your contribution to this. Don't know exactly why I even stumbled upon but it sure brings back very fond memories. If only people knew the origins of songs like Bearfeet; such a long time ago. Don't play bass anymore (although, I have two dismantled stand ups in the basement. Play lots of acoustic, though 9Like you, I'm no Mike D., but I get by). My son is now gigging (he's written more than 100 songs (and he's just turned 13 and plays great slide blues). How life moves on.
From Alex Bako, 12/25/2009 2:04:42 PM:
Merry Christmas and God Bless us Everyone! Especially you Tim. Bearfeet is still my favourite tune. Thanks for that. I always credit you for it. Maybe sometimes you feel your ears burning. That's me. Drop me a line sometime.
From Lucy, 1/8/2010 10:10:10 AM:
Haha, Tim is my dad. He's the bassist. (: I'm in class right now. So, yeah. But if you guys have any questions... I'll check up on this maybe in fifty years or so.
From The Assassin!, 1/20/2010 2:50:39 AM:
NO WAY! I finally found the name of this song!!!! You guys are awesome! CFNY (pre grundge era) RULES!! Long live "The Spirit"....and NINE BIG DOGS! Thanks so much for entertaining us! You caused many smiles!
From Bruce, 1/29/2010 2:29:12 PM:
"Dougie's Lament" at last! I've been looking for this song for years. Can it really be that 1991 was so long ago? I still remember being a teenager back then yet it was actually NINETEEN years ago.
Alex and all, thanks for a cool song.
From Jeremy Hopkins, 3/7/2010 3:09:40 PM:
My father played bass on that song. Of course, Nine Big Dogs broke up long before my time. But they were a great band. Does anyone know the song 'Aluminum Conduminium'? Great groove.
From Jo, 10/5/2010 12:16:11 AM:
One of the hardest CDs to find! There's one up for auction right now on eBay. Lots of luck with this one! It's listed as NINE BIG DOGS Bite! CD Extremely Rare Canadian release - item # 270644867739
From Greg, 11/5/2010 9:10:32 PM:
Hey everyone, I still have an AUTOGRAPHED copy of Bite. How rare is that? I also went to Mohawk with Alex (on his second time around) and even played a pretty good drunken trombone at one gig. It's great to see so many people still loving NBD.
From Anthony, 12/7/2010 9:25:42 PM:
Hey Alex: Tanya and I were discussing this song the other day! Would be really cool to hear it again. Will definitely go to your MySpace page. Have tried to find it in music shops, but it wasn't to be. Mohawk is a long time ago, but that song brings me back. The Arnie, paying cards at lunch, and who can forget, Towel-Chi.... Best. Anthony
From Alex Bako, 12/17/2010 2:43:41 AM:
Hey everybody! I feel the love. Thank you all for giving two shits after all these years. I think I'm gonna release something soon. I mean it this time. I'll check in later.
From Kaj Qinan, 2/3/2011 9:49:04 AM:
Woot Alex .. I am so glad you Google'd your name. Beth is looking for you. I forwarded the URL and your last message to her.
From Beth, 2/3/2011 10:17:22 AM:
OMG Alex read your email :)
From Beth, 2/3/2011 1:15:20 PM:
and side note to Steve, lol.. Im trying to get ahold of Drew too!!! let me know how to reach all of ya :)
From Mike, 2/14/2011 9:42:40 AM:
I used to play this song ALL THE F'N TIME on Mohawk college radio. I've been searching for a link to post it to FB for 2 years.
From John, 8/7/2011 3:40:13 PM:
Hey guys I am looking to buy the CD Bite by Nine Big Dogs. I had a cassette copy for years but it has bit the dust. Love every track and I miss it. Anyone know where I can get it again? I am all the way out in Calgary Alberta. .
From brinker, 9/19/2011 12:56:19 PM:
Got a copy of the CD back in the early nineties and used to play it for my daughter who was 6 or 7 at the time. Just heard it coming from her truck CD player the other day! We always enjoyed it especially the first side. And having spent 36 tears in automotive manufacturing, I always loved "The Assembly Line!"
From brinker, 9/19/2011 12:57:26 PM:
Correction: 36 years, only a few tears in assembly!
From Rachel MacDonald, 9/28/2011 5:56:09 PM:
OH MY GOD! i have been searching for this song name for 8 years...A couple guys played it at a party and i loved it...i was too drunk to remember the name :/ THANK YOU!!!! this has seriously been bugging me ever since then lol..listening to it on myspace now
From Netasha Hills, 1/2/2012 12:35:38 AM:
WOW!! my boyfriend made me a tape with this song on it(a not so subtle hint at the time) and i wanted to see if this hilarious classic was on here. SOO stoked that i found it. thanx for all the info people :)
From Sami Samhuri, 1/3/2012 11:09:44 PM:
I uploaded this album to Grooveshark!
From mcmaster chris, 1/26/2012 1:54:26 AM:
i saw these guys play frosh week at the outdoor pseudo amphitheater at mac, at least ti think that was it, i was pretty drunk that year, but to this day i still remember the lyrics (ok some... and back in again, LOVE it).
thanks guys, fun memories.
From Wailin Wonder, 4/8/2012 1:03:13 PM:
Who wanted chords? D A Bm F#m G A D A main riff. Then, pre-chorus G A Bm A G G A Cho G A D Bm repeat twice , G A Bm A G, repeat...and that's pretty much it!
From Kevin Crawford, 12/15/2012 11:39:23 PM:
Wow! Does this ever bring back memories! I also attended Mohawk with Alex, and recall Alex singing this to us a few times! Seems like just yesterday.
From Jeff, 12/18/2012 2:35:06 PM:
Thanks Sami for uploading to Grooveshark. I have not heard this song in twenty years. Brings me back.
From Greg, 1/17/2013 2:44:59 PM:
Hey I went to school with Alex too! Plus I played guitar at a few parties ;)
From Greg E., 1/17/2013 3:07:34 PM:
Jeremy Mote and Kevin Crawford...and anyone else in our class with me when you get a chance. Would be cool to catch up! [email protected]
From judy, 12/13/2013 11:27:31 PM:
I thought someone named John was the drummer for NBD and sometimes sang as well?
From Arrowsmith, 10/4/2014 12:40:21 AM:
Did Alex go to Orchard Park High?
From Les Bako, 2/15/2015 11:22:42 PM:
Yes, my brother Alex went to Orchard Park. Hello to Greg, Mike and Tim...and Beth. I had no idea how many people might be coveting my copies of the tape, CD and poster. Alex is doing fine, by the way.
From Dvimtvar, 9/6/2015 11:26:37 PM:
So happy to find these comments! Suddenly got this song in my head the other day. I'm a beginner guitarist but would love the chords for Dougies Lament. Any chance someone could post?
From Ian, 7/29/2020 3:22:28 PM:
2020 and this amazing track is still being talked about. Was in High School in Malton ON when it came out. I have talked about this track to anyone that would listen everywhere i have travelled. Would be nice to get a downloadable version nowadays, Or if Alex and the band would ever uploading it to Spotify??
From Stacey, 1/15/2022 5:10:58 PM:
Hey Beth - if you're around, and see this some time, ping me - s v e t z a l (at) g m a I l . c o m - about connecting with Steve and Drew
Admin note: I'm tired of moderating the continuous spam being posted here. Deleting 10-20 offensive, pornographic or otherwise unrelated comments every day is not what I am here for. Because you guys can't police yourselves and behave, for now I've disabled the commenting functionality altogether. We'll see if we can come up with a better system in future.