unknown song comments

Date Added: 12/19/2004
Added By: ROBERT
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From Audio_Man, 12/19/2004 3:01:21 PM:

Another one of those breakdance songs from 1984-85.
Again . . . I have it but damned i I can find it right now.

The Wizard (a.k.a Jeff Mills) used to play it all the time back in 1985 here in Detroit on his mix show (FM 98 WJLB).

I must be getting old . . . cuz my memory is failing me. I should know this one.

I'll keep looking . . .

From Eeeeeey!, 12/31/2004 12:21:01 PM:

Wow! Nearly all these clips uploaded by ROBERT have been extracted from a DJ set on 1984 in a mythic club called Chocolate, located in Valencia, Spain. The DJ was Tony El Gitano.

This mix of underground styles was very common in this city like nowhere else in Spain, in clubs like this and others like Barraca, Spook Factory, Espiral, NOD...between 1982 and 1992 (later on in the 90s the music played was crappy generally), and this made the weekends in this city very famous throughout Spain, plus you could be partying non-stop from Friday to Monday. Sounds like EBM, gothic, synth-pop, techno-pop and alternative British pop were also very common there and then.

So, these DJ sets from these clubs in this period of time are very wanted and searched on the Net by both nostalgic and younger people.

Oh! Memories...!! :oP

From crashNburn, 1/4/2005 4:17:06 PM:

Not that great stuff
This song sounds different than anything else they did
and the rest definitely sounds different than anything else anyone else did

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