unknown song comments

Date Added: 11/13/2002
Added By: Alfredo L�pez
Identified: Yes!   

From Alfredo Lopez, 11/13/2002 4:33:13 PM:

Hi, I'm looking for the name of a song who has a chorus with 10,9,8 and was singing for a girl.
The video was in b&W and she has a red scarf


From techiepenguin, 11/13/2002 5:03:00 PM:

Does the chorus continue:
10-9-8, I'm always counting down
Isn't it funny I never get to one?
I vaguely remember the video.
If this is it:
The band is called Face to Face.
The song is called 10-9-8 off the album Face to Face.

From Paul Miceli, 11/13/2002 5:58:53 PM:

It was released on cd in Japan.


Epic/Sony Records 1984(cat# 25-8P-5083).


Out Of My Hands
All Because Of You
Face In Front Of Mine
Pictures Of You
Over The Edge
Under The Gun
Don't talk Like That
Heaven On Earth
Wreckless Heart

From Alfredo Lopez, 11/13/2002 6:31:46 PM:

Thank you very much
That's the group

From George, 1/16/2003 12:45:37 AM:

Does anyone know where to purchase this?

From james, 10/17/2003 8:48:27 PM:

(former) friend of the band here in Boston, MA. Nice bunch of musicians unatypically easy to work with Vs. many other acts in that timeframe. They really knew how to craft as song Epic dropped 'em way too fast. I want that CD real bad. WHERE CAN I GET IT?

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