Looking for name of group
Looking for name of group
Late seventies, the lyrics went something like this..."smoking Pile Drive cigarettes, three cheers for my old man..."
Looking for name of group
That's what I thought a long departed friend had told me. I've looked for information about this group, with variations on spelling, without success. Thanks for confirming it though, I guess I'll have to look harder.
Looking for name of group
I actually have this on CD (copied over from a tape of CFNY).
Looking for name of group
It was on CBC's Night Lines with Dave Wisdom, early 90's--likely summer/fall of 1992. The band's name sounded like "Datamar" or "Dadamar." They were from New Zealand and they sounded a bit like Velvet Underground and Cowboy Junkies. I've been trying to get a Kaaza download but I'm not sure I'm spelling it right. Search engines are no help and the CBC websites doesn't seem to give lists of songs played. Any help would be appreciated.
Looking for name of group
It was on CBC's Night Lines with Dave Wisdom, early 90's--likely summer/fall of 1992. The band's name sounded like "Datamar" or "Dadamar." They were from New Zealand and they sounded a bit like Velvet Underground and Cowboy Junkies. I've been trying to get a Kaaza download but I'm not sure I'm spelling it right. Search engines are no help and the CBC websites doesn't seem to give lists of songs played. Any help would be appreciated.