Mystery Song
Mystery Song
James, it's your old overnight automaton from 'RE. I remember Zippers of Fire--I have the 7" (it has Flat Tire on it, too!!!!). Flat Tire is great for timing out to the news at the top of the hour. Way better than Dreamboat Annie. Anyway, I would have Private Messaged you, but you're email address is 'unlisted'.
Beware of airborne Alfred E. Newmans.
Cheers, Chum!
Beware of airborne Alfred E. Newmans.
Cheers, Chum!
Mystery Song
.....Hey ML!
.....Does that 'Flat Tire' song go something like...
.....'Somebody gave me a flat tire so we can't go to town tonight... [memory gap] ... You gave me a flat tire Yes! No!...'?
.....If it is then that answers one of my 'mystery songs' from when I listened to CHIC/CFNY in the late 70s. Thanks! Ah yes, the memories: Classix Nouveax, XTC, etc.
.....So... another mystery song. Who played 'The Black Widow' - another late 70's early 80's on CFNY? Sorry, memory fails me (for Pete's sake this was over 20 years ago) about the lyrics, but the singer reminded me of the creepy actor Vincent Price.
.....Thanks in advance,
.....Edwin Groot
.....Mainz, Germany
.....Does that 'Flat Tire' song go something like...
.....'Somebody gave me a flat tire so we can't go to town tonight... [memory gap] ... You gave me a flat tire Yes! No!...'?
.....If it is then that answers one of my 'mystery songs' from when I listened to CHIC/CFNY in the late 70s. Thanks! Ah yes, the memories: Classix Nouveax, XTC, etc.
.....So... another mystery song. Who played 'The Black Widow' - another late 70's early 80's on CFNY? Sorry, memory fails me (for Pete's sake this was over 20 years ago) about the lyrics, but the singer reminded me of the creepy actor Vincent Price.
.....Thanks in advance,
.....Edwin Groot
.....Mainz, Germany
Mystery Song
Yup, that's the one...
"Somebody gave me a flat tire, so we're not going to town tonight, somebody gave me a flat tire. so we're going to stay home and watch television..."
Black Widow--I think Alice Cooper had a song by that name aroung that time, but I dubt if CFNY ever played it... unless maybe on a halloween special??
"Somebody gave me a flat tire, so we're not going to town tonight, somebody gave me a flat tire. so we're going to stay home and watch television..."
Black Widow--I think Alice Cooper had a song by that name aroung that time, but I dubt if CFNY ever played it... unless maybe on a halloween special??
Mystery Song
Iam also looking for the song "My Old Man's a Joke" by Knobby Klegg and the Civilians. This would have played around 1980 or so. About a guy who's Dad is a coalminer and spends his free time getting drunk, as he slow dies of a coal mining disease.
ends with:
"And I'll go to work and taste his place"
ends with:
"And I'll go to work and taste his place"
Mystery Song
Greg - I just happen to have this on tape and can get it converted to mp3 for you. How can I get it to you?
Mystery Song
Here's a tough one...
the song is called "So Romantic", and it's an obscure little Bauhaus/Danse Society/Specimen rip-off (um, 'homage'). The problem is that I nver saw the artist's name in print, only heard it on the radio. It was something like C. Farrow, or Sea Pharroh, or something that sounded like that. I only ever heard it a couple of times on CFNY, probably around 1983 or 1984. The most memorable part of the song is that at one point the miusic stops, and the lead singer says, in a conversational tone, " ro-man-tic...", and then the song starts up again. Anyone know this obscure little ditty?
the song is called "So Romantic", and it's an obscure little Bauhaus/Danse Society/Specimen rip-off (um, 'homage'). The problem is that I nver saw the artist's name in print, only heard it on the radio. It was something like C. Farrow, or Sea Pharroh, or something that sounded like that. I only ever heard it a couple of times on CFNY, probably around 1983 or 1984. The most memorable part of the song is that at one point the miusic stops, and the lead singer says, in a conversational tone, " ro-man-tic...", and then the song starts up again. Anyone know this obscure little ditty?
Mystery Song
The song is called "Wildlife Romance" by Cee Farrow. It was available on Rocshire Records out of Anaheim, California from 1983 distributed by MCA. It was on an album called "Red And Blue".
Mystery Song
Scott MacLean also did a little rumaging, and came up with a song called "Should I Love You", also by Cee Farrow. I wonder which one is correct? Perhaps we'll find out if Scott manages to snag a copy, and puts it on his site.
BTW, Scott's site is an excellent source for researching old CFNY rare grooves:
Scott MacLean also did a little rumaging, and came up with a song called "Should I Love You", also by Cee Farrow. I wonder which one is correct? Perhaps we'll find out if Scott manages to snag a copy, and puts it on his site.
BTW, Scott's site is an excellent source for researching old CFNY rare grooves:
Mystery Song
"Should I Love You" was also on this album and was available with an extended version on a 12" as well. The lyrics "so romantic" is from the track "Wildlife Romance".
Mystery Song
Update on Steinski & Mass Media "The Motorcade Sped On" as posted above: It appeared on the 1991 compilation CD "Death of Vinyl", released by DOVentertainment in Toronto. Catalogue #DOVe CD22. Blue and yellow booklet with a record exploding into the shape of an airborne dove on it. I've seen it in pawn shops for a buck or so--if you ever see a copy, pick it up--it's quite rare and good. It includes Steinski & Mass Media, Zovietfrance, John Oswald, Digital Poodle, and more. I'm listening to it right now!
Mystery Song
This version was not exactly the same as the original. The original was more haunting in nature, with less twists and turns. Personally I think it was much better.
Mystery Song
I posted "Should I Love You" this week on my site, and I've got a line on the "Wildfire Romance" 12" single. Watch for it online if I manage to get it...
Mystery Song
The Death of Vinyl version is a 'live' version. I've seen an mp3 of the original version occasionally on "Morpheus". It's not live, so it is a more polished version. I'm not sure if it qualifies as 'better' ;) . A matter of opinion, I guess.