Running from the fbi
Running from the fbi
20th Century Rebels - The EP was called Rebelution, released on Rebelution Records in 1983. Another track from this EP that saw some airplay was "Murder(inna first degree)"
hope this helps.
hope this helps.
Running from the fbi
The band were Canadian. There is one copy selling at GEMM from a place in Montreal.
Running from the fbi
And, I believe they won a Casby for best album, according to: ... ller.phtml
FBI can also be requested for play at Flashback Alternatives
FBI can also be requested for play at Flashback Alternatives
Running from the fbi
They won 2 U-Knows (later known as Casby) for most promising group of the year in 1984 (tied with Images In Vogue), and best independent artist.
As audiofool mentioned you can hear this as well as other obscure CFNY Canadian exclusives at:
As audiofool mentioned you can hear this as well as other obscure CFNY Canadian exclusives at:
Running from the fbi
Adrian Miller was the singer for 20th Century Rebels and I believe he still plays the occaisional gig around Toronto.