The Edge!!

What do you like? What could be better?
John Arruda

The Edge!!

Post by John Arruda »

I can't believe how many people at this website diss the Edge and Alan Cross. Like the old CFNY the Edge is still the radio station that most often plays new artists. Other radio stations in Toronto like the Mix, ChumFM and Q107 only play songs after they have become hits on the Edge. Isn't this what we liked about the old CFNY? As for Alan Cross the station hasn't sounded better in years. He doesn't deserve the criticism he is getting. I am not sure what you whiners want in a radio station. Are you looking for a radio station that plays new music (like the Edge does) or are you looking for a radio station that plays only "classic" CFNY songs from the 80s? Get over it the old CFNY no longer exists and it is time to move on. If it's retro 80s you are looking for then listen to JackFM, if it's new music then the obvious choice is the Edge.

The Edge!!

Post by Anonymous »

Guess you haven't discovered music on the internet yet. Commercial radio has lost the edge when it comes to introducing most new music of quality.
human clone

The Edge!!

Post by human clone »

I can't tell the difference between the Edge, Mix 99.9 and 103.5. There is nothing original about the Edge in my opinion.

The Edge!!

Post by Anonymous »

John, nice try.

The Edge!!

Post by VectorX »

John...I can list on several pages all the new music that the 'Edge' does not play. There is nothing original and in fact radio as a whole is so programmed that it is sickening. The 'Edge' is nothing more than a glorified top 40 station. There is nothing in commercial radio that is worth listening to. It is all carefully crafted and I am sure there is a room full of execs somewhere laughing at how stupid people really are.

The Edge!!

Post by Anonymous »

Not to mention the contests. Did you hear the latest one they have? Being a glutton? Making you gain all of this weight and whoever gains the most wins a car, 10 grand in cash and other stuff? I have never heard of any station doing this kind of crap before.

The Edge!!

Post by Anonymous »

Really healthy.

The Edge!!

Post by Anonymous »

Before when I used to listen to CFNY, I felt that I was being enlightened. Now, when and if I listen to the edge, I actually start to feel like the radio is sucking my brain cells dry.

102.1 the Edge:
(Stupid broadcasters, broadcasting to the stupid)

The Edge!!

Post by kenf »

JackCHUM offers nothing beyond yesterday's top 40.
Repeat. Yesterday's top 35. Repeat. Yesterday's
top 30. Repeat. Yesterday's top 25. Repeat.
Yesterday's top 20. Repeat. Yesterday's ...

The Edge!!

Post by coleslaw »

I am an original CFNY'er. I agree that The Edge is not what CFNY once was. But, I have to stop you when you start comparing The Edge to JackFm, the MIX, or any other real crappy radio station. The Edge may not be as cutting edge as CFNY once was in the early 80s but it is still a thousand times better than anything else radio has to offer. And don't say, guess you haven't discovered music on the internet yet... what I haven't discovered is how to keep my wireless connection to the internet when I'm driving down the 401. And, I can list on several pages all the new music that the Edge _does_ play that all the other radio stations wouldn't even touch. So, the Edge is not CFNY. And maybe The Edge shouldn't be discussed here at all. But, I can guarantee you, people that listened to CFNY still listen to the Edge ...

The Edge!!

Post by swerve »

...not me and driving down the 401 while listening to a webcaster isn't that far off down the road

The Edge!!

Post by jlpp »

I can't wait for Sirius Satellite...

The Edge!!

Post by Kim »

All the DJ's suck now!!!

I can't stand listening to Bookie. All he does is about nothing! He doesn't even have a good voice.

Can someone tell to blow his nose!

The Edge!!

Post by Bob »

That's funny!

I agree

The Edge!!

Post by Bob »

They all suck at the Edge now.

Bookie: Stop talking
Lana: What a groupie! Has no talent
Josie: Dumb & Stupid. What a joke
And so on.
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