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Please email corrections and additional information to us . Thanks to all who have contributed to this page, including Bill Dulmage, Wilma Blokhuis, Alan Cross, David Marsden and Don Berns. Rob Baird Creative Writer (1993-1999) From Alan Cross (Oct 2002): Rob joined the station in 1993. He stayed with CFNY/The Edge until 1999 when he and Karen Fisher (also a creative writer at the station) moved to LA so he could pursue his dreams of being a scriptwriter. We all laughed--until we saw his name attached to the credits of "Monsters Inc." (For more info on his growing body of work, enter "Robert Baird" into the search function of the Internet Movie Database ) Last updated: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 Log In Now to leave a comment about this personality! Sort by Name or by Date of update Click the personality you want to view: |
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