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. Thanks to all who have contributed to this page, including
Bill Dulmage, Wilma Blokhuis, Alan Cross, David Marsden and Don Berns.
Liz Janik
"Streets of Ontario" (indie show) Sunday afternoons (? - 1988)
(Co-host husband Peter Goodwin, see above)
Don Berns says:
"Went to work for Joint Communications. Left a few years ago to open her own (very successful) radio consultancy. Still lives in Brampton."
Liz's radio consultancy is at
October 19, 2005:
"Liz Janik, a well-known U.S. and Canadian consultant/programmer, has hooked up with Standard Radio as the program manager for their commercial-free all-Canadian channel on Sirius Canada. Standard Radio is part of the partnership that forms Sirius Canada, including the CBC and Sirius Satellite Radio."
July 24, 2009:
Liz says:
"Hi to all the NY' fand and staffers out's such a wonderful thing to be part of a legendary station ...even after all these years, people still remember it with was a thrill to work with the talent and fans that breathed life into "The Spirit"... my new address is liz (at) love to all! Liz"
Oct 2021:
Liz taught at Ryerson for a few years, and now teaches at Harris Institute for the Arts. In the summer, she owns and runs a Bed & Breakfast in Georgian Bay.
Last updated: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
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