personalities: martin streek
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Martin Streek
Video Roadshow, New Rock 30 & live club broadcasts (1984 - May, 2009)
Martin was one of the "originals" at CFNY, brought on by David Marsden with Ivar Hamilton to run the CFNY Video Roadshow.
Martin went on to become the familiar voice behind the Thursday 30, as well as hosting CFNY live-to-air broadcasts from many dance clubs in and around the Toronto area. Eventually he settled into his famous club gigs: Saturday nights at the Phoenix and Sunday nights at Velvet Underground, both in downtown Toronto. Martin was also voted DJ of the year in Toronto's NOW magazine several times.
On May 2009, without explanation, Martin was fired by Edge 102, and all evidence of his existence was erased from the Edge 102 web site.
On July 6, 2009, Martin left the following message on his Facebook page:
So...I guess that's it...thanks everyone...I'm sorry to those I should be sorry to, I love you to those that I love, and I will see you all again soon (not too soon though)... Let the stories begin.
Shortly afterward, Martin took his own life.
Last updated: Tuesday, July 7, 2009
admin at 4:40:36 PM on
7/7/2009 wrote:
It still just doesn't seem real.
nelson.646 at 6:18:36 PM on
7/7/2009 wrote:
Thanks for the years of your voice that carried across the heart beat of Canada, vibrations of the frequencies you helped to release enhanced your sound , you were harmonics within noise that became art, we listened , we heard and we embraced cold steel and made it warm, the Spirit has not lost today but the spirit has gained in our loss, not cruely as a victor, Your final cards layed and played to soon Martin your voice I can hear in this silence, bringing me understanding in the art form of communication through crafted noise that I hear, I hope you can hear this craft of communication still.................N
Canajenn at 7:33:36 PM on
7/16/2009 wrote:
Missing Martin Part 1: Now that a week has passed, the shock has worn off, the sadness is there but not at the immediate surface and we have all had some time to reflect. None of us, will ever fully comprehend why you made this decision however I find I have no choice but to respect it. Many say it is a selfish act to take your life but I have never know a man who was more giving of himself, his time and his passions than you were so I can�t believe this was an entirely selfish decision. I have so many thoughts as to why you did this and not one involves selfishness. I have to believe that you made this decision because you truly thought this way would cause less pain to those who love you than whatever was to come. We now turn to the task of normal life once more but how can things ever be �normal� again with a piece missing? I am still realizing that I will never have a conversation with you again, always something I looked forward to whenever I was back home in Toronto.
Canajenn at 7:38:29 PM on
7/16/2009 wrote:
Missing Martin Part 2: I will miss the long conversations sitting in the booth or by the pool table while we caught each other up a little on what had been happening since I last visited. We were both too busy to really keep up via email. I will miss the bear hug that greeted me when I came to say hello; that had sent me off to NYC years ago with support & encouragement, and sent me back again when vacation was over: mischievous smiles and ready laughter: the true glee for life and music: the music especially � where am I going to find out about the next cool band? We always said we would get together on the outside one day but it never worked out. I regret that it never did but I am grateful that you let me into your life at all and I am the better for it. For the past 23 years you have always been there, a constant, in the great times and in some of the sad. Many of your close friends and family have already gathered to celebrate your life and to say goodbye.
Canajenn at 7:39:10 PM on
7/16/2009 wrote:
Part 3: Many more friends and fans will gather over the next few weeks in your memory. I, for one, will celebrate your life every time I listen to the music we both loved from the beginning, every time I dance to my favourite songs, every time I hear a new band that stirs passion in me. That is your legacy. I will love you forever, miss you forever and remember you forever. Good bye my friend. Rest in peace, free from your demons and your pain. You can never be replaced.
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