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. Thanks to all who have contributed to this page, including
Bill Dulmage, Wilma Blokhuis, Alan Cross, David Marsden and Don Berns.
Jim Fonger
Retail Sales Manager (June 1982 - November 1983)
General Sales Manager (December 1983 - June 1988)
Operations Manager (July 1988 - October 1989)
Don Berns says:
"[Jim] currently owns a company called Zenox. They used to do telephone answering systems; now they're into various computer services, such as The Talking Yellow Pages. Two of my favourite CFNY office staff, accountant Mary Curtis (at CFNY from the beginning right through the Mclean Hunter era), and Bill Hutton's executive assistant, Emi Hudec are also at Zenox."
From Jim (November 2006):
"After CFNY, under the new regime of MacLean Hunter (remember them?), and I parted company, I pursued an entrepreneurial career outside of broadcasting. What a cool run it has been too. Zenox (essentially a high tech company that developed some very cool digital switching technology) lead to DCCI (was North America�s leading call measurement company when I sold my shares) which lead to Business Coaching which lead to the Distribution Business which then lead to where I am at now which is leading a large start up company that we believe will, one day, be one of the major players in the New Hydrogen economy, helping to lead the world out of the warm oily mess we seem to be in. Once we have our web site up and running, I�ll be sure to send you another update!
If you are talking to any of the people that I worked with, please say hello for me! By the way . . . Emila and I have lost touch but Mary and I talk on a regular basis . . . she is my second Mom!"
Last updated: Thursday, December 28, 2006
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