personalities: brad mcnally
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. Thanks to all who have contributed to this page, including
Bill Dulmage, Wilma Blokhuis, Alan Cross, David Marsden and Don Berns.
Brad McNally
Julian Tuck says:
"...one time host of McNally's Masquerade or Matinee, depending on what shift he was doing. He ended up in Australia, Perth I think."
Brad says (Jan. 1999):
"I worked at 'NY during the best days , when the station was the Spirit of Radio, under the direction of David Marsden. I did afternoons and nights, and did the show called the Eclectic Spirit... I also wrote the song
Working on the Radio
, with Jim Bird. I am now programming 12 stations in Scandinavia."
Ivar Hamilton says (April 2001):
Currently the PD of a station in Perth, Australia
Brad says (April 2001):
Hello there...
I was fascinated to see your update page on CFNY FM... what a great job you have done... It was an amazing station... I spent 4 years living and working in Sweden, and am now programming a station here in Perth Australia.... still thinking about coming back home!! And Marsden and I talk all the time!!
Best Regards
December 2014: Still at 96FM at Perth, Australia
Last updated: Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Peri Didaskalou at 11:36:34 PM on
7/21/2010 wrote:
No other single person, with his phenomenal show _The Eclectic Spirit_, so influenced my perceptions of how musics could be experienced on radio, than Brad McNally. Certainly others overlapped musically. For instance, in the early days even Marsden would play very progressive musics; continuing the tradition of earlier, classic FM experimental and progressive programming. I think it was 1986 when I wrote Brad a snail mail fan letter. He was in Australia at the time. He sent me an original 'Eclectic Spirit' poster and various bits of nostalgic trivia, and I sent him some samples of what I and friends were up to at CKLN. Now we're FaceBook friends, and it's about time we 'Eclectic Spirit' fans pool together what we've got for a FB group dedicated to the show's memory! If you're on FB search my name, Peri Didaskalou, and send me a friend request. Also on FB is Don Garbutt, a Great Ontario Talent Search finalist, with his entry 'Cosmic Unity' (1980).
Jimbob at 8:48:23 AM on
2/26/2013 wrote:
Well this was great to see this post about Brad he is an old friend. I would go tot he Radio station every Sunday to spend time with Brad at the only FM station in Perth W.A. at the time. It would be great to catch up next time I am in Perth he was a great friend at the time and have never foregot the friendship. cheers
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