Hey there! I'm looking at this fantastic website and great memories come flooding back. Although a little disappointed I didn't make it to the list of people who worked at The Spirit!!
I started working at CFNY in the summer of '85 working the promotion cruiser as Eric Vonn Mobile. Following graduation from Ryerson, joined the Spirit as Ted Woloshyn's producer (following the unfortunate Craig Venn 'missed edit' disaster).
Moved on to produce the James Scott Show as Eric Vonn for over a year and actually had a chance behind the mic 3 times!!! Once when James Scott fell ill suddenly one day, I sat in on the afternoon drive show. Also covered a couple of overnight shifts over Christmas.
Eventually I was let go for "budget" reasons by Don Berns. Went on to DC103 in Orangeville where I eventually moved to afternoon drive for the next 2 years.
Joined HTZ FM in St. Catharines where I spent the next 4 years there. Started out on overnights and weekend evenings, and eventually worked less night shifts and more day shifts.
Moved to Calgary to join CJAY 92...and eventually quit the business altogether in 1995...tired of the direction, the politics and the bullshit.
Currently live in Toronto and work at The Sports Network as a Producer/Host/Associate producer on just about every sport you can imagine. Travel lots and see plenty of the world (3 Olympics including Japan, Australia and most recently Salt Lake) and absolutely love my job!!!!
I find myself thinking of everyone at CFNY often. Those were great years...in fact, the best of my 9 years radio career. A reunion sounds terrific...let me know where and when and I'll be there will bells on!