personalities: dani elwell
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. Thanks to all who have contributed to this page, including
Bill Dulmage, Wilma Blokhuis, Alan Cross, David Marsden and Don Berns.
Dani Elwell
Evening Announcer (December 1989 - August 1992)
"Alternative Bedtime Hour"
After resigning on the air at CFNY in August 1992, she went to
Talk 640
in 1996, for eight months. She then hosted Saturday nights on
for about a year. She has not done any live radio since, but has done tons of voice work. She is married to Stefano Dalbello (Lisa Dalbello's brother) and they have one child.�
May 2004: Now runs an antique/flower shop called Cindiloowho along with her mother Evelyn:
Toronto Life article on Cindiloowho
May, 2007: Dani writes:
These days I spend most of my time in front of a mic doing voice work or behind a counter at our family shops..... My voicework includes imaging and promo work for Q107, AM640, Rock 101 in Vancouver, CBS news in New York, and any one else that will have me. I also do a fair amount of commercial voicework and narration via Sandi Sloan at Fusions Artists Inc.
In the not so distant past, I've worked for CTV as a network announcer, created and hosted a series of stories for YTVs Streetnoise, have done some fill in shift work for Q107, a funky music idea show on AM640 and have done a few shows for CBC Radio.... "The Music Room" "The Witching Hour" some comedy shtuff and "Air Farce" when it was on radio.... I've played a part in alot of other projects and radio stations...including CKLN...but too little space to explain....to hear my voice reel...go to
June, 2008: Starting June 14, Dani will be hosting a new show, "The Morning", every Saturday and Sunday morning from 6-9 am on Toronto's
91 Jazz FM
2014: Dani is now the Director of Content at 91 Jazz FM as well as the on-air host of Sunday Afternoon Jazz, Sundays from 12 pm to 4 pm.
Last updated: Monday, December 22, 2014
Peri Didaskalou at 12:07:16 AM on
7/22/2010 wrote:
I'm also pleased as punch to have re-connected with Dani on FaceBook. Like Maie, Dani was always very exciting to listen to, whenever on air at CKLN; on various music and events and news shows. She was always 'on tap' coolness and creative-wise. She just oozed it, what can I say? I loved her rather mysterious charisma! I have to kick myself for having missed too much of her professional radio career work. I remember listening to her on Q107 late night, but before then, I remember listening to her on CKFM when Reiner returned there. Gotta make more of an effort to wake early on week-ends for her 'The Morning' gig on JazzFM. Reiner was, and/or still is at JazzFM periodically too, I think. I don't see his name of the program sched, but I've heard him on the air there. It's nice to hear Terry McElligott's voice again there now too.
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