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Please email corrections and additional information to us here. Thanks to all who have contributed to this page, including Bill Dulmage, Wilma Blokhuis, Alan Cross, David Marsden and Don Berns. ![]() Rick Muller Sports Director (April 1977 - August 1978) Rick Muller was CFNY's first Sports Director when it went to 100,000 watts in July 1977. He worked at various stations in Canada before leaving broadcasting and now owns his own media, marketing and communications consultancy based in Toronto. From Rick - June, 2009: "CFNY was a fabulous experience. The excitement of building something with a terrific group of legendary broadcasters; the pride of the Spirit of Radio's incredible fan-base; and the new and exciting talent you would meet in the halls of the old house. We were held together by scotch tape - but we didn't care. We put out a new and unique product and we knew it. If a current day TV reality show should ever be done about '70's radio - it should be done about the birth of CFNY. I now have my own media, marketing and communications consultancy based in Toronto, specializing in branding strategy, communications counsel, media and presentation training, writing and video production. It was great times at 'NY, with great memories." Last updated: Thursday, October 22, 2009 Log In Now to leave a comment about this personality! Sort by Name or by Date of update Click the personality you want to view: |
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