personalities: kneale mann
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. Thanks to all who have contributed to this page, including
Bill Dulmage, Wilma Blokhuis, Alan Cross, David Marsden and Don Berns.
Kneale Mann
All-night Guy (1989 - 1991)
Music Director (1995 - 2003)
The New Rock Show (1995 - 2003)
Kneale spent three years away from CFNY (1992 - 1995), working as the Music Director and an on-air host at St. Catherines'
97.7 HTZ-FM
. You can hear several nights of Kneale's early overnight work on the
Sounds page
September 2003: Kneale Mann is now Program Director of the new
Dave FM
in Cambridge Ontario.
August 2005: Kneale Mann is now Program Director of the new
Live 88.5
alt-rock station in Ottawa Ontario.
2014: Kneale now works as a leadership and motivational consultant. His web site, which includes a quite extensive and interesting blog, can be seen at
Last updated: Tuesday, December 23, 2014
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